How To know A Player In A Relationship_ (Both Gender)

4 min readSep 5, 2023


The rate of unfaithful partners these days in dating world is becoming unbearable, but this article will lecture you on how to detect one when you come in contact with him/her, so keep reading to find out more.

Image From Opera mini

One thing you should know is these, everybody has their diverse reasons of being in a relationship which they chrome their mindset and actions into, some people are there just to flirt and enjoy the benefits in it with no feelings attached, some are there because of the material things they benefits from the opposite gender, some are there because of how special they were treated by a particular being, some are also there just to know how falling in love and being loved feels like, while most people are just there to be seen as someone’s boy/girl friend without devoting to it, everybody with their own onsets, but when it can become complicated is when the two bodies involved in it does not bear the same mindset before embarking on the journey, by falling in love with each other.

Before I lecture you on the detection's, I will love to tell you the scopes they use in deceiving people and I will also specify it in both genders.

A male player always use this strategy of making a lady feel so special that she will start seeing herself as a yolk inside an egg once he is around her, he makes her feel like she is the only treasure he sees, he may even go as far as becoming a “simp man” just to make her think that he rides with her, but his target is to get her on his bed, hit the jackpot and slide, so be curious about this from any guy once he is not your family member.

Image From Opera mini

IN DETECTION'S: What you are about to read now are the major things a male/female will display in a relationship for you to know that he/she is a player?

On the male side:

· He will have a woman as his beastie and still have another one as girlfriend.

· He always talks with sweet and charming words when around you just to melt, take advantage of you and gaslight.

· He never cares to know more about you but cares much on your body packages.

· He always asks to take you out for dates or want to invite you over to his house.

· He always talks naughty and compliments much on your physicality.

· He finds it hard to chart reasonable info to you but only of his own self interest.

· He doesn’t devote to the relationship but sees it as a sorry club (always saying sorry).

· Apart from business, he is always on his phone and will never grant you access to it no matter what.

· He never respects your presence as his babe when hugging and having conversations with other girls in public.

· Lastly he finds it very hard to share personal details or seek your opinion concerning his future or goals.

While On The Female Aspect:

· She always talks much of her ex’s.

· Will have a man as beastie and another one as boyfriend.

· Spend most of her time at the club.

· Usually acts less concern to the progress of the relationship.

· Bares excessive money mindset.

· Invests much on material things than her career.

· Enjoys Boys Company more than her fellow gender.

· Criticize much on cuteness and wealth of guys.

Image From Opera mini

Be aware of all these and also remember that relationship can be very disastrous if you happen to love the wrong partner who falls in the clue of players, so be very careful in your surveys before accepting any proposal from anybody.

Meanwhile check out this article on “Do you still believe in love” to know why love is not a scam and reasons why people always hurt you in relationships.

IN CONCLUSION: Be smart enough to know who rides with you in a relationship, don’t lose yourself in it rather observe and understand your partner to know if he/she really worth your time and caring. THANKS FOR READING





I Write on self improvement, relationship, and retiree's. My aim here is to lecture you on the things to know and connect with positive mindsets with ambitions.