Things You Should Never Tell A Woman<>(GIRL-FRIEND).

3 min readJun 11, 2023


I am really honored to impact this knowledge to you as an individual that seeks true facts in life.

Image from a facebook

A relationship is also seen as a temporary journey that its future is not yet so pure between the opposite genders who engage in it, that it can possibly lead to a marriage. Embarking on it at times usually comes with a pattern you may not be prepared to face because it is full of rollercoaster’s (expect the unexpected). A man can hold beauty as a reason for approaching a woman without even having an insight of what he is about to deal with, which is common to most men, some are been moved by the physical packages they see, some are also been pushed with recommendation, while some are literally working with the character they admire, everybody with their own preferred ideal for the same mission, but you must know that women are full of behaviors because they display different kinds every day which is the more reason why you don’t always discriminate the once you may not have a taste for, forgetting that your own can act towards your hatred someday. Trust and understanding are some of the pillars of a healthy love life no doubt, but bearing in mind that not all ladies will offer that to you in a relationship will groom you to be secretive in some of your personal life activities.

Image from a youtube video

Furthermore, as a guy who is yet to settle in marriage but still stocked in a relationship for the time being, you are advised to keep some certain things from a lady you still call your girlfriend because of security reasons so that she will not use it to hunt you back when you least expected it after break up. “Now the big question is”


· Never tell a girlfriend your financial status unless you are so sure you will make her your future wife.

· Never tell or show a girlfriend the credentials of your owned investment, if already or still planning to have.

· Never tell a girl your true feelings at first sight, observe to know if she vibe with your energy to avoid being taken for granted.

· Never tell a girlfriend your weakness as a man to avoid being hunted with it when you list expected it.

· Never tell a girlfriend the pin or password to your financial shelter to avoid her rendering you useless.

With this few points of mine, I believe I was able to convince you that a man needs to have some secrecy to him self in general, Thanks for reading.

Watch the video below to know “How to get power over woman” and stand your ground as a man.




I Write on self improvement, relationship, and retiree's. My aim here is to lecture you on the things to know and connect with positive mindsets with ambitions.