How Many Wives Did King Solomon Have? Truth Unveiled!

Random Thoughts
4 min readSep 14, 2023


King Solomon, renowned for his wisdom, wealth, and influence in ancient times, has often been the subject of fascination and curiosity. Among the intriguing aspects of his life is the question of how many wives he had. In this article, we will delve into the historical accounts, scriptures, and intriguing tales surrounding King Solomon’s marital life.

King Solomon with his wive in the palace

The Legendary King: A Brief Overview

Before delving into the specifics of King Solomon’s marital life, let’s take a moment to understand who he was and the significance of his reign. Born to King David and Bathsheba, Solomon ascended to the throne at a young age. His rule marked a period of prosperity, wisdom, and unparalleled architectural achievements, including the construction of the First Temple in Jerusalem.

How Many Wives Did King Solomon Actually Have?

According to the Bible, King Solomon had an astounding 700 wives and 300 concubines. His legendary wisdom apparently didn’t extend to his matrimonial choices, as this extravagant number is often cited as a symbol of his opulence and power.

Here are some prominent wives of Solomon among many.

1. Pharaoh’s Daughter

Pharaoh’s daughter was one of King Solomon’s most notable wives. Their marriage was not just a union of hearts but also a strategic alliance between the Kingdom of Israel and Egypt. This marriage played a crucial role in maintaining peace and diplomatic relations between the two powerful nations.

2. The Queen of Sheba

The Queen of Sheba is perhaps the most famous among King Solomon’s wives. Her visit to Solomon’s court is a legendary tale of wisdom, beauty, and intrigue. While the nature of their relationship remains shrouded in mystery, the encounter between the Queen of Sheba and Solomon is a testament to the king’s reputation for unparalleled wisdom and the allure of his kingdom.

3. Naamah the Ammonitess

Naamah was an Ammonite princess and became one of King Solomon’s wives. Her marriage to Solomon solidified an alliance with the Ammonites, ensuring the security of Israel’s eastern border. This union exemplifies Solomon’s approach of forging diplomatic ties through marriage.

4. Abishag the Shunammite

Abishag was not a wife in the traditional sense, as she was a young woman chosen to serve King David in his old age. However, her role in Solomon’s court is significant. After David’s death, Solomon spared her life but did not take her as a wife. Nonetheless, her presence in the palace had political implications.

5. Pharaoh’s Widow

Another wife associated with Egypt, Pharaoh’s Widow, entered Solomon’s harem after the death of her royal husband. This union may have served to strengthen the ties between Egypt and Israel even further, demonstrating Solomon’s commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the region.

Marital Alliances for Diplomacy

Solomon’s multitude of wives was not purely a result of romantic pursuits; rather, they served strategic purposes. In the ancient world, marriage was often used to forge alliances between kingdoms. Solomon’s marriages to foreign princesses helped maintain peace and secure valuable resources for his kingdom.

Polygamy in Ancient Times

To understand the extent of Solomon’s marital endeavors, it’s crucial to consider the cultural norms of his era. Polygamy was common in many ancient civilizations, and having multiple wives was often a symbol of a ruler’s status and authority. Solomon, as a great king, was no exception.

The Cost of Many Wives

Maintaining such a large harem undoubtedly came at a considerable cost. Solomon’s wives and concubines required sustenance, shelter, and attention, which may have strained his kingdom’s resources. This aspect of his reign raises questions about the practicality of having so many spouses.


In conclusion, King Solomon had a staggering 700 wives and 300 concubines, a testament to both his power and the cultural norms of his time. While his marital choices may raise eyebrows today, they served political and diplomatic purposes in the ancient world. Solomon’s wisdom, though legendary, was not immune to the complexities of human relationships and emotions.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How did King Solomon manage such a large number of wives?

Solomon’s wives were not all cohabiting at once; they lived in separate quarters. Still, managing such a vast harem was undoubtedly challenging.

2. What was the fate of Solomon’s wives after his death?

After Solomon’s death, his empire fragmented, and many of his foreign wives likely returned to their homelands.

3. Did Solomon’s marriages have any lasting impact on Israel?

Yes, his marriages introduced foreign gods and practices, leading to religious conflicts and ultimately the division of the kingdom after his death.

4. Did Solomon have a favorite among his wives?

While historical records don’t provide a definitive answer, the Queen of Sheba is often portrayed as a significant figure in his life.

5. What was the cost of maintaining so many wives for King Solomon?

Maintaining such a large harem would have strained Solomon’s kingdom’s resources, as it required sustenance, shelter, and attention for all his wives and concubines.



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