Keith David: Birthday, Family, Movies & Net Worth

Let’s explore Keith David’s biography

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4 min readJun 4, 2024
Keith David at an event (Source: Twitter)

Keith David is a name synonymous with versatility in Hollywood. From his deep, resonant voice to his commanding screen presence, he has made a significant mark in the entertainment industry.

Whether you know him from his memorable movie roles, his extensive voice work, or his distinctive presence on television, Keith David’s career is nothing short of impressive. In this article, we’ll dive into his birthday, family, movies, and net worth, giving you a comprehensive look at this talented actor’s life and achievements.

Early Life and Background

Born on June 4, 1956, in Harlem, New York City, Keith David Williams grew up in a vibrant and culturally rich environment. His early life was steeped in the arts, which played a pivotal role in shaping his future career. Raised in a supportive family, Keith’s parents encouraged his artistic inclinations from a young age.

Education and Early Career

Keith attended Manhattan’s High School of Performing Arts, where he honed his craft and discovered his passion for acting. After high school, he continued his education at Juilliard School’s Drama Division, one of the most prestigious acting schools in the world. Here, he further refined his skills, setting the stage for a remarkable career in the arts.

Breaking into Hollywood

Keith David’s journey into Hollywood wasn’t overnight. His first major role came in 1982 when he starred in the film “The Thing,” directed by John Carpenter. This role was a significant breakthrough, showcasing his talent and opening doors to more opportunities in the industry. His performance in “Platoon” (1986) further cemented his status as a versatile actor capable of delivering powerful performances.

Notable Movies and TV Shows

Keith David’s filmography is extensive, with roles in over 150 films and television shows. Some of his most notable movies include “They Live” (1988), “Armageddon” (1998), and “Crash” (2004). On television, he has appeared in series like “Community,” “Enlisted,” and “Greenleaf,” demonstrating his ability to adapt to various genres and formats.

Voice Acting Career

One of the most distinctive aspects of Keith David’s career is his voice acting. His deep, authoritative voice has brought life to numerous characters in animation and video games. He is perhaps best known for voicing Goliath in “Gargoyles,” the Arbiter in the “Halo” series, and Dr. Facilier in “The Princess and the Frog.” His voice work has earned him a dedicated following and critical acclaim.

Awards and Nominations

Keith David’s talent has not gone unrecognized. He has received numerous awards and nominations throughout his career. He won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance for his narration of the documentary “The War” in 2008. His performances in film and television have also garnered critical acclaim, earning him a place among the industry’s most respected actors.

Keith David’s Family Life

Despite his busy career, Keith David places a high value on family. He is married to Dionne Lea Williams, and together they have two children. His family has been a source of support and inspiration, grounding him amidst the hectic pace of Hollywood. Keith often speaks about the importance of family and how it has shaped his life and career.

Philanthropic Efforts

Keith David is not just an accomplished actor but also a dedicated philanthropist. He has been involved in various charitable organizations and causes, using his platform to give back to the community. His philanthropic efforts include supporting the arts, education, and initiatives aimed at helping underserved communities.

Keith David’s Net Worth

As of 2024, Keith David’s net worth is estimated to be around $3 million. This impressive figure is the result of decades of hard work and success in multiple areas of the entertainment industry. His income sources include acting, voice work, and various endorsements and appearances.

Personal Insights

Outside of his professional life, Keith David enjoys several hobbies and interests. He is an avid reader and enjoys spending time with his family. His personal philosophy centers around gratitude and perseverance, principles that have guided him throughout his career.

Influence and Legacy

Keith David’s impact on the entertainment industry is undeniable. His versatility and dedication have inspired countless aspiring actors. His legacy is one of excellence and resilience, serving as a testament to his talent and hard work. Keith’s contributions to film, television, and voice acting will be remembered for generations.

Upcoming Projects

Fans of Keith David have much to look forward to, as he continues to take on new and exciting roles. He has several projects in the pipeline, including upcoming movies and TV shows that promise to showcase his incredible range and talent. Keep an eye out for his latest work, as he continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

FAQs About Keith David

  1. When is Keith David’s birthday?

Keith David was born on June 4, 1956.

2. What are some of Keith David’s most notable movies?

Some of Keith David’s most notable movies include “The Thing,” “Platoon,” “They Live,” and “Armageddon.”

3. What voice roles is Keith David known for?

Keith David is known for voicing Goliath in “Gargoyles,” the Arbiter in the “Halo” series, and Dr. Facilier in “The Princess and the Frog.”

4. How many children does Keith David have?

Keith David has two children with his wife, Dionne Lea Williams.

5. What is Keith David’s estimated net worth?

As of 2024, Keith David’s estimated net worth is around $3 million.

Wrapping Up

Keith David’s career is a remarkable journey of talent, dedication, and versatility. From his early days in Harlem to becoming one of Hollywood’s most respected actors, his story is inspiring. With a rich filmography, a successful voice acting career, and a commitment to philanthropy, Keith David continues to leave an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. Whether you’re a longtime fan or just discovering his work, there’s no denying the profound impact he has had and continues to have.

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