Published inai-entrepreneur-moreStartupWeekend La Paz Latinx AI54 hours working with new participants, new mentors, new ideas and more…Dec 11, 2018Dec 11, 2018
Published inai-entrepreneur-moreLa Paz ciudad maravilla apunta a la educación, tecnología y emprendedurismo | Startup Weekend Women…La Paz es una ciudad de Bolivia que se encuentra en la Cordillera de Los Andes, con un clima particular, si te das una vuelta debes estar…Aug 31, 2018Aug 31, 2018
Published inGlobal SWAILa Paz “wonder city” aims at education, technology and entrepreneurship | Startup Weekend Women AI…La Paz is a city in Bolivia, it is located in the Andean mountains, with a particular climate, if you go around you should be prepared for…Aug 31, 2018Aug 31, 2018
Published inFall and get upStart again, start your planWhen I finished the university, I thought “that was the end, I had my degree”, nobody told me it was the beginning, but the beginning for…Aug 5, 2018Aug 5, 2018