Why WONO token’s price will grow fast?



The closer the project is to its market release, the higher is its token’s price. Once the project is launched, the token’s price rises together with the number of users. That’s the way it always work. But WONO token will grow faster than others. How come? Let’s find out.

First, let’s answer to the simplest question: when does the price grow, in general? It grows together with the demand if the supply is limited. Token supply at blockchain projects is always limited. For example, we’re going to emit 79,166,667 tokens.

So, to make its price grow and make our investors richer, we need to drive demand. The first and the most obvious way to do it is to attract new users. More users means more tokens bought.

But marketing budget is always limited. Is there an alternative way to boost the growth of demand? Yep!

WONO platform is designed to incentivise users to withdraw less tokens or not to withdraw them at all. Vendors at WONO will offer thousands ways to spend your earnings: homes, cars, new experiences, professional help and more, all around the world.

Well, it’s inevitable that some users won’t need anything. They will sell their earned tokens and get coins or fiat money. But offering the opportunity to spend what’s earned we significantly reduce the number of withdrawals, driving the demand and boosting the token’s price.

OK, we found out why are we so sure about the investors’ wealth growth speed. Then, what about our earning as operators? Will there be any commissions? Yes! In the next article we’ll explain, why zero commission is a really bad idea.

Andrei Chepelev, COO at WONO




P2P marketplace for freelancing and hiring needs. Launching WONO token — Listed on MDEX