Best at home DIY spa ideas.

Laya_ Infinity_
4 min readFeb 4, 2019


I love to have fun doing at-home DIY spa day ideas and treatments. The great thing about a good DIY body scrub or facial, is that it costs very little (Always great to watch the budget, right?!), and many times these DIY spa ideas use items or products You already have at home.

1. set the mood: Put on some soft, relaxing music. Choose things like Zen music, nature sounds, instrumental, or classical music. Some channels on popular video and music-sharing websites (such as YouTube, Pandora, or sound cloud) have spa music play lists. Choose an extra-long playlist, so that You don’t have to get up and restart it.

2. Dim the lights and light some candles. They don’t have to be scented, although a nice fragrance will certainly help! If You are hesitant about lighting candles in Your bathroom, get some battery-operated ones — just be careful not to get them wet. If You don’t like candles, You can also use incense, wax melts, or oil diffuser’s.

3.Consider setting up a “lounge” if You plan on doing other things. Things like face masks and foot soaks often take a while to do their “magic,” and not all bathrooms have a comfortable place to sit. Unless Your bathroom has a comfy bench or chair, find a quiet spot in Your room

4.Have some refreshments. Some of the more expensive spas will often serve up refreshments, such as candy or drinks. It does not have to be anything fancy: lemon-water, herbal tea, or champagne are commonly served in spas.

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1. Face mask.

You need:

One tablespoon of honey,

A half of cup of plain yogurt.

Add a tablespoon of turmeric.


Thoroughly mix together and apply on face.

tip: Use plain,unsweetened probiotic yogurt so it doesn’t irritate the skin.

tip 2: Do a test patch first before putting directly on the face.

tip 3: You can use a damp towel to wipe face or just rinse off.

tip 4: There might be a yellow tint after from the turmeric, which will go away after scrubbing.

2. Exfoliation.

You need:

One tablespoon of brown sugar or regular.

One teaspoon of existential oils, olive or coconut oil.

One or two tablespoons of water.


One teaspoon of olive oil

One tablespoon of organic honey

One half cup of juice from a lemon,

One half cup of granulated sugar

Mix well and scrub the face with it to remove all dead skin cells and dirt. You can also You on the body depending on how much You make.

Tip: Dry race with a towel by patting dry don’t rub Your face.

3. Hair mask.

You need:

A half cup of honey.

A half of cup of coconut or olive oil.

Half of an avocado.


Mix well until it is almost creamy and apply to the hair section by section and put under a shower cap and let it sit for fifteen minutes, twenty at most then rinse.


You can make rice water

Add a half an avocado.

A half of cup of oil.

Tip: You can shampoo and condition Your hair right after as usual.

4. Body treatments.

You need: FOR FEET.

A half cup of apple cider vinegar,

A bucket

Water for the bucket

Existential oil or oils

A half of cup of honey or lemon juice.


Mix together and soak feet for 30 minutes.

You need: FOR BODY

Milk and raw Honey, sugar scrub.

You can use this to exfoliate the body as well as the face.


3 cups of Milk

2 cups of Honey

Rose or Lavender petals


Soak in it for however long you like to bath. Moreover, Be sure to wash and rinse in the shower.

You can also You bath bombs or homemade lotions, body creams as long as You test it and make sure You aren’t allergic.

5. Rejuvenating manicure:

You need:

One lemon

Half of one cucumber

Bowel of cool water

If Your nails are dull and yellow, all You need is this soak for 10 minutes to liven them up. The lemon bleaches stained nails and the cucumber soothes dry hands.

This post right along with other post can be found on my blog @

