Benjamin Wood
8 min readDec 20, 2017

Hi! My name is Benjamin Wood. I am a student at City College of San Francisco. This blog is for an assignment in the class Intercultural Communication taught by Dr. Jennifer Kienzle. If you have any questions or comments about this project, please contact Dr. Kienzle:


Yemen is located in the Middle East, in the Arabian Penninsula. Yemens capital Sana’a is said to be the oldest city in the world, founded by Noah’s eldest son, Shem. Both of which are mentioned in the bible. The rainfall and fertile land has been a significant reason to why it has always maintained a stable population. The richness of the land and booming of trade has led people to stay there. Trading spices, frankincense, and myrrh was a booming business from the 12th to 6th century BC. The most famous bean produced in Yemen is the coffee bean. Coffee plants were cultivated and brewed in Yemen, later becoming a signet for their country. Serving and drinking coffee is part of their gift of hospitality and generosity. Due to the goods of the land, and routes, Yemen became desired by so many world leaders such as the Portuguese, French, British and Ottoman Empire. They were all hungry to seize the land. Trade routes into India was one of their reasons for wanting to control the land. Whoever dominated Yemen was able to control the supply and demand, the production, and the trade and spices to India. By the 12th and 6th century it has gone through six different dynasties until the Ottoman Empire began to rule them. The Ottoman Empire were the Turkish warriors of the faith of Islam. Islam was introduced to the Yemenis in 630 A.D. The Yemenis were the first people to develop the South Arabian Alphabet. Yemenis people were the founders of the Arabic language which has become Islam’s and the Koran’s main language. Yemenis people come from the Arabian descent, and hold their religion as part of their culture. Yemen played a major role in the trends of Arab art, literature, political essays, and scholarly writings. Yemenis poets are known for being the most prestigious poets in the Arab world. Yemen became a Unified country in May of 1990. Their has been a major split between the country because of the way a former authoritarian president has led the country for more than two decades. Their has been a rise of rebels called the Houthis who are rebelling against the government. It is believed that the conflict between the Houthis and the government is also seen as part of a regional power struggle between Shia-ruled Iran and Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia. To understand Yemen, you have to understand Islam. Islam is not only the dominant religion but the face of the culture. Islam is the culture of how they shape their laws, beliefs, customs, traditions and history.


Yemens cultural identity has everything to do with their religion. Their religion plays a major role in how they communicate with every culture and within themselves. The dominant religion in Yemen is Islam. Their are several sects of Islam but the Koran is their source of authority on how they live. I had the privilege to interview two ladies from Yemen. The first girl I interviewed was Shayma. Second was Maram. It was very difficult to find woman who can interview because of their cultural differences of having a non muslim man talking to muslim woman by themselves. Both of their interviews had some differences in their perspective but tons of similarities. Im a devout christian and it was interesting to hear from a perspective of a muslim. Within the two interviews, they both believe you cannot separate Yemen from Islam. Their culture doesn't define Islam, Islam is what defines their culture. There are some things that the Yemen culture does that is contrary to Islam. Drinking alcohol, or doing drugs may be seen in their culture but its against the beliefs of Islam. Going there you won’t find a night life. Someone who likes to party would of have a very difficult time adjusting to the culture because its rooted in their religion to not drink alcohol. The party’s that do take place are usually underground or not open to the general public. Women from Yemen would like to only marry men that are Yemenis to keep the blood line going. Its a pride thing for Yemens to marry only Yemens. Woman can date but the man who dates them has to ask the father of the woman if he can have their hand. Women don’t date without the father knowing out of honor. There are cases where women hide who they are dating but traditionally its a honor to date a woman with the fathers approval or a male guardian. Women are not allowed to date men that are none muslim. They don’t have to be Yemenis, but have to be muslim. Women can date outside of their religion but its frowned upon if their man is not muslim. Some families will disown them or do whatever it takes to end that relationship. Its all about keeping their blood line and religion. Women don’t have to marry young but they tend to because of the cultural aspect of dependence on a man. Women can venture into work but the laws are set up for them to have restrictions. They're set up from birth to inherit many restrictions to their rights and freedom. Women are unequal compared to a men. Men who go to this country will have challenges dating woman if they're non-muslim. The woman wouldn't be allowed to have a small conversation very long because the locals would see it as strange. Women would not shake a males hand but may put there right hand on their chest as a sign of greeting. Men typically would greet each other with a handshake and eye contact as a sign of respect. Women don’t greet other men with hugs but they may greet woman with hugs. Distance between male and females is a good and normal behavior. Yemenis will be reserved when it comes to meeting foreigners but they are very respectful people. Men typically wont talk about their marriages but will boast about they're children. Women typically gain their status through child bearing, especially males. The birthing of a male is a celebration and one of the most important social events in Yemen society. For tourists, wearing the hijab is a sign of respect. In some cases the women have to wear a full dress with only their eyes seen because their husbands don’t want any part of their body exposed. Women are not allowed to drive unless your accompanied by a man. Women going to Yemen would have a hard time getting around unless they have a male with them all the time. None of these topics would be openly discussed because they are considered sensitive subjects. Sex is forbidden to talk about in all circumstances. Not speaking Arab would be a language barrier unless you know a tourist or someone who can speak english. Being polite and respectful will be key to gaining trust with the Yemenis people, and they will hold you in high regards. Islam is rooted in their food, shopping experiences, politics, and almost every area of their lives. From the moment they wake up, their religion is practiced until they fall asleep. Men bonding and holding hands is openly accepted because its viewed as a strength in their relationship. Its not considered homosexuality to anyone but a sign of closeness. Homosexuality is forbidden in Yemen. On the other hand, heterosexual couples will never be seen holding hands or showing affection but this is gradually changing. Every morning at sunrise, a prayer call on speakers throughout the whole country will let people know its time to pray. So if your not a morning person then this would be a challenge for you to adjust to. There would be no pork sold at the marketplace or anything considered halal(bad). Going to Yemen would be a different experience if your used to eating pork, and drinking alcohol at meals. Family and bonding is held in high esteem. Yemenis people value family as a unbreakable bond. The woman viewed their mothers as their strongest influencers. Meals are something everyone sits down and eats at. They sit down in a circle, opposite of the American way to share food, laughing, and talking. Family is the most important aspect of their lives. The showing of emotions is a normal behavior within the Yemenis culture. Anger is usually suppressed in American society but in Yemen society it is accepted to show it. It may be a culture shock to see an array of negative emotions expressed openly. Their identity has everything to do with their religion. There perception is formed from an islamic perspective for the most part but respect, honor, and courtesy is fundamental to adjusting to their cultural challenges.


Yemenis are very friendly people. The most effective way to communicate with Yemenis people are to speak and understand the Arab language. Its very important to greet muslims in Yemen with a a friendly tone and smile. Alsalam Yakun Lakum is saying peace be upon you in Arabic. Its the most famous phrases muslims use to greet each other. If the people know your not muslim and you say that, it shows a great amount of respect toward the person and culture. Hello is translated “marhabaan” which is another common phrase. The best way to communicate is learning key phrases you will need to know for ordering food, directions, thankful phrases and greetings to navigate effectively. Wearing the hijab is not a religious requirement but is a sign of protecting their dignity in society. Travelers should consider wearing one due to Yemens devout following of Islam. Modest apparel is highly recommended. They have beaches for foreigners to visit but no bathing suits and modest apparel is recommended. Foreigners are permitted to drink alcohol in private but not in public settings. Yemenis appreciate coffee and tea in social settings. Tea is a great way to greet and show your value for someone. Tea around humorous conversations and quality time are highly recommended since they value punctuality. Yemenis people like to talk face to face as well as from a distance. Don’t be surprised if someone engages in a conversation from a distance as they yell. Body language is important in maintaining a conversation. It shows the speaker you have their undivided attention. Islamic law is a cultural aspect of their everyday lives so maintaining distance with your spouse is vital. Holding hands, kissing, and any forms of affection are not allowed. Having sex before you marry is prohibited. Therefore dating is for the purposes of marriage. Homosexuality is punished by death, in response homosexual couples should not be open about their personal lives. Overall, Yemen is a beautiful country, friendliest people and very approachable people. All access to Yemen is currently on hold due to a civil war but when war is non existing, that is a diamond in the rock. With respect and honor for the culture and people, anyone could have a wonderful time.