CS373 Spring 2022 Ricky Woodruff — Blog 5

Ricky Woodruff
2 min readFeb 21, 2022


What did you do this past week?

This past week was relatively easy. There wasn’t too much to do for this class aside from reading the weekly paper and writing our weekly blog; however, my Project 1 group did meet with Alex (the TA) to discuss some things regarding our first project. As for other classes, I’ve been swamped. I had a few exams last week and tons of homework to catch up on.

What’s in your way?

Nothing at the moment. I’m glad that we finally got our group assignments, and I’m excited to start on the first project!

What will you do next week?

Next week, I’ll be meeting with my Project 1 group to discuss our project idea. I’ll also be catching up on some homework in my other classes and preparing for an exam on Monday.

What did you think of Paper #5: Single Responsibility Principle?

I thought the paper was very interesting! I had never really thought about the idea of “single responsibility”, but I think it’s super important in Software Engineering for ensuring separation of responsibility and better/easier testing practices.

What was your experience of types and recursion?

I thought it was pretty interesting learning more about Python types this week. I definitely learned some new things about type comparison that furthered my knowledge of programming. For example, I didn’t know the difference between Python’s is and == , so that was helpful to learn.

What made you happy this week?

I’m excited that we’re starting on Project 1! Other than that, I finished a lot of homework this week, and it looks like my homework load will be getting lighter in the future.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I attended a hackathon this weekend, and I was able to learn more about Web3 and decentralized app development! There was a company there called Terra, and they hosted a workshop on the basics of developing dApps (or decentralized apps). I don’t know too much about this space, but I’m definitely interested in learning more! Here is the link to a quickstart guide to developing dApps if anyone is interested.

