Brewing equipment for tea (and coffee)…

Woodshed Coffee & Tea
3 min readMay 8, 2016


a quick guide to our favorite brewing techniques and devices

Fellow Stagg Kettle and Duo Brewer, and some homemade quiche by Christa Devette


Everyone has opinions, traditions and rituals associated with their morning beverage habit. Here at Woodshed, we are constantly exploring different ways to brew our tea (and coffee), more than likely it will be a never-ending pursuit for us. But that doesn’t mean it has to be for you. In this quick note from the shop, we wanted to highlight a couple different brewing options for you to pursue at home. Elegant solutions to expand your palate, and evolve your morning ritual.

We believe proper preparation is an important step to unlock the full flavor profile of the tea in your cup. We recommend brewing each of our teas in a brewpot that allows for full leaf immersion to ensure full extraction. Basically, we want all of the tea leaves to touch all of the water. In doing so, you will find a more balanced cup as the leaves experience an equal extraction, with no bitterness (over-extracted) or blandness (under-extracted).


Vivid Brewpot — 13oz

For when it’s just you, the 13oz Vivid Brewpot is a perfect brewing companion. We love watching how different tea interacts with water, and with an unobstructed view you can experience the theatre of steeping tea. The metal filter then acts as a strainer when you pour your tea into your cup, keeping your cup free from sediment, and your tea ready for the next steep.

Buy it now.

Vivid Brewpot — 34oz

Summer is approaching, and what better way to enjoy the dog days of summer than with a large cup of iced tea. We recommend cold brewing our tea — which needs a bit of preparation time — but will pay off with a naturally sweet and brisk tea, ready for a couple large ice cubes in a very tall glass. The 34oz Vivid Brewpot is the perfect vessel for cold brew teas, simply add tea and cold water and steep for 4–8 hours in the refrigerator. Steep time depends on the tea and your preferences. We find most of our teas hold up well to an 8 hour steep time, so prepare in the morning for an afternoon or evening BBQ!!

Buy it now.

Duo Brewer (coffee & tea)

The Duo Brewer is for those of you who want a statement piece for your afternoon tea time. Modern, functional, and bi-beverage. That’s right… you can use it for steeping tea or brewing coffee, but we wouldn’t recommend both at the same time.

This brewer is for when there is company over and you need enough tea for two to four people. Immersion brewing offers a full-extraction for any of our teas and is perfect for re-steeping our beautiful green, oolong, and black teas for continued enjoyment!

Buy it now.

Stagg Kettle (w/thermometer)

This kettle will make any professional barista believe you too are a professional barista. It’s like knowing the secret handshake or having the correct forearm tattoo. What we are saying is this — yes, this kettle will impress people.

With a built in thermometer, you’ll never have to “bruise the water” again, and with matte black and chrome color options you can’t go wrong.

Buy it now.

