Notes to Self — What Being Gay Means to Me

Max Woods
6 min readAug 7, 2019
Photo by George Becker from Pexels

As a new member of the Medium community, I was surprised to see how little literature there was about life as a gay man. Of course it shouldn’t have surprised me: Even though I have the luxury of being in one of the most socially-accepted variations of human sexuality and gender (homosexual and identifying as a man), there is very little “out there” in regards to books, movies, art, et cetera.

Originally I thought of writing a feature article on this, but I realised that the scope of this is far beyond me. So instead I thought it would be a good idea to share how being gay plays out for me on a day-to-day basis. We all only have the authority to represent ourselves, and I figured the best way to share my thoughts is through sharing some things I learnt after coming out I hope you like it and I would love to hear your opinions.

Growing up gay meant that finding a group I could identify with was a constant struggle for me. I was and still am fortunate enough to have a few really close friends, but in those awkward years of youth I drifted through many different groups. When I first came out, I was surprised at how large and accepting the queer community was — it was the first time I felt I could really relate to people, as if they got me. These people were well aware of what it meant to feel like an outsider. I had finally found my tribe.



Max Woods

22. Mental Health Support Worker. Gay. Qualifications in Psychology and Education.