Best Exercise & Sleeping Position for Gassy Babies

Woodward's Gripe Water
4 min readMay 20, 2022


Gas discomfort is unpleasant for both adults and children. And if your infant is wailing in pain from gas, there’s a high chance they’re not the only one — it’s heartbreaking to see your child suffer.

Symptoms of a gassy baby

So, how can you know whether your baby’s pain is due to gas? You’ll know your baby has gas troubles if he or she burps or blows a lot. If your child exhibits the following symptoms, he or she may be suffering gas-related discomfort:

· When your baby weeps, their face turns crimson.

· Wiggle their legs and draw them up to their chest.

· After a meal, get extremely fussy.

· Will be having difficulty eating or sleeping?

Causes of gas in your baby

Mostly your baby’s gas pain will be produced by their stomach and intestines, which are still growing. If their gas problems seem to be growing worse, there might be a variety of additional causes at work, including:

Swallowing while sipping — Your infant is most likely a breast-feeding or bottle-feeding enthusiast. What is the disadvantage? With those massive gulps, your tiny one may be ingesting more air, and more air equals more gas.

If you’re breastfeeding, make sure your kid is correctly latching on to your breast and establishing a seal around your nipple (your areolas and the baby’s tongue shouldn’t be visible).

If you can’t think of anything else that may be causing your baby’s pain, take a look at your diet and minimize possibly irritating foods and drinks, such as Coffee, Caffeinated sodas, dairy products, and chocolate.

Exercises for your gassy baby

· Make those little legs move.

If your infant is resting on her back, gently swing her legs back and forth to mimic a bicycle ride. This activity promotes bowel movement and helps to eliminate trapped gas. You may also gently bring her knees up towards her belly by bending her legs. You may help her into Child’s Pose (like in yoga) if she’s on her stomach, and that motion will have the same impact.

· A gentle rubbing of the stomach

The gentle rubbing helps in removing the gas bubbles to comfort newborns during their massage. The massage is known as the I love you massage. Place your baby on her back and begin massaging her tummy in a circular manner, simulating writing the letters “I,” “L,” and “U” on her belly with two or three fingers. You’re generating activity in your baby’s belly by “printing” the words on her tummy in a calm, soothing manner. This can assist her to pass those trapped gas bubbles.

· Encourage your child to spend time on his or her stomach.

Tummy time helps your baby develop the muscles he’ll need to lift his head, crawl, and eventually walk. However, applying modest pressure to your baby’s stomach might assist alleviate gas. Wait for at least 20 to 30 minutes (or until gas starts) before having tummy time since some infants spit up if they’re put on their tummies just after eating. During tummy time, always keep an eye on your child. Also, never put your baby to sleep on his stomach, as this increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Sleeping positions for your gassy baby

While the optimal sleep position for a gassy infant is still on their back, gas pains can make sleeping difficult for your child. If this is the case, swaddling your infant before bedtime may help keep them warm and comfy over the night while also reducing any pain.

If your infant falls asleep while breastfeeding, you’ll likely find yourself in the following situation: To avoid gas bubbles, you want to burp your baby before putting them down, but you don’t want to wake them up.

If this is the case, try the following techniques to help your baby release any trapped air before laying her down on her back:

Hold your infant in a semi-upright position against your chest, with their head resting on your shoulder. Your body should exert enough pressure on their stomach to get them to burp.

Place their tummy over your arm so that their legs dangle on either side and their head is supported in the crook of your elbow while you rock them back and forth. Then, while you touch their back, softly glide your arm from side to side.

Lay your baby down — Place your baby’s tummy on your knees and place his or her belly over your lap. Then gently sway them by shifting your legs from side to side and massaging their backs.

Burping a cranky infant is, of course, the best solution. Sometimes all it takes is a nice burp. If it doesn’t happen immediately away, burp her and set her down for a few minutes before gently picking her up and trying again. Continue to attempt tummy time. You can take advantage of every mother’s faithful companion, Woodward’s Gripe water, found all over the world. For almost 170 years, we’ve been burping newborns. So keep a bottle of Woodward’s handy at all time



Woodward's Gripe Water

Woodwards gripe water is trusted by generations of mothers in easing Colic pain / Stomach pain associated with the introduction of new foods and teething.