A response to events covered by StudLife. Read about it here.

The Starving Artist’s Meal Plan

Erin Woo
16 min readApr 11, 2017

“The amount of time you spend on homework will be about the same amount of time you spend in your studio classes.”

This is what we were told as freshman art students at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, and while WashU students are no strangers to working hard, there’s a slight logistical issue here. Three studios a week, three hours per studio, each studio twice per week. That’s not a small amount of hours, and that’s just class time. Now double it. Also you need to get it all done on campus because you can’t really use oil paints or make architectural models in the comfort of your dorm room. This is the lifestyle that most art and architecture students live. What it adds up to is a lot of time spent sequestered in our little corner of campus.

Some relish it. We certainly did. But students are only able to make this lifestyle sustainable with access to a convenient breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, snack, etc. — whatever students need to sustain themselves while tied to their studio spaces, noses to the proverbial grindstone.

Any alumnus of the art school knows what this is like. And it sounds like future students may not have the chance to experience it the same way. While we acknowledge that the administration works hard to keep the school solvent, we also find it careless to remove the only reasonable source of food for Sam Fox students. Isn’t nutrition an important aspect of student programming? Do we want to build up our artists and architects? Can we make student experiences a part of decision making sooner? We are aware administration regrets not having any student input initially. But we ask you deans and directors, is this the best you can do?

By shuttering Etta’s doors, we are saying goodbye to the space where architecture and art students, who might never cross paths elsewhere, can bond outside of class.

It’s goodbye to that quick coffee break in between back-to-back 3-hour studios or the rush of students snacking after a morning lecture in Kemp. A sad farewell to familiar Bon Appétit faces, ones who remember our orders and remind us there’s more to school than burning the midnight oil. It should be clear to anyone that removing a primary source of food for a large body of students displays that the school is out of touch with the people that it promises to nurture. Maybe what’s not so clear is that Etta’s is a defining aspect of something Sam Fox and WashU claim to cherish: community.

If you agree with us, we invite you to add your name to the list below, to make the point that Etta’s is more than a cafe; it’s Sam Fox.

By Brandon Pogrob & Erin Woo


“As a current or previous member of the Sam Fox community or somebody who supports Sam Fox students, I’m calling for the administration to either keep Etta’s open or provide a replacement that offers the same level of service. I also expect the administration to include student input for any future major decisions that directly affect the health and livelihood of the Sam Fox student body.

By adding my name to this list, I’m not only showing my support for Sam Fox students, but for preserving a defining aspect of the Sam Fox community.”

(609) Signees as of 3:04 PM, 04/17/17

  • Erika Abbate: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Mandy Abend: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Eva Adams: WashU c/o 2020
  • Arushee Agrawal: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Soban Ahmed: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Naomi Ahn: WashU c/o 2019
  • Victoria Albert: WashU c/o 2017
  • Olivia Alchek: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Logan Alexander: Sam Fox c/o 2011
  • Gaby Altman: WashU c/o 2020
  • Ivan Alvarado: WashU c/o 2019
  • Abhi Alwar: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Estar An: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Joel Anderson: WashU c/o 2020
  • Madeline Angstreich: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Morgan Anker: WashU c/o 2019
  • Anna Applebaum: WashU c/o 2013
  • Marina Archangeli: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Deniz Ariturk: WashU c/o 2017
  • Gabi Auchus: WashU c/o 2020
  • Michael Avery: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Catherine Aviles: WashU c/o 2018
  • Jodi Backalar: WashU c/o 2019
  • Alanna Bader: WashU c/o 2020
  • Noah Baker: Sam Fox c/o 2017, SapientRazorFish
  • Tiffany Balcarcel: WashU c/o 2020
  • Nate Ballintyn: WashU c/o 2019
  • Rob Ballock: WashU c/o 2020
  • Molly Banta: WashU c/o 2015
  • Jeremy Barnes: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Carla Beghin: WashU c/o 2018
  • Sourik Beltrán: WashU c/o 2015
  • Martha Benduski: WashU c/o 2020
  • Heather Bennett: Sam Fox c/o 1994, Full Time Faculty at Sam Fox
  • Rebecca Benson: WashU c/o 2017
  • Alex Berger: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Juliana Berlin: WashU c/o 2019
  • Mindy Bernstein: WashU c/o 2020
  • Emily Bielski: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Mesha Bisarya: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Jake Bjork: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Gabriela Bloom: WashU c/o 2018
  • Eve Bobrow: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Bryan Bogaards: Sam Fox M. Arch c/o 2014
  • Christine Bosch: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Rachel Brace: Sam Foxc/o 2019
  • Ryan Brandt: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Stephanie Briggs: WashU c/o 2019
  • Archer Brock: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Kirk Brown: WashU
  • MJ Brown: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Zoie Brown: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Raelyn Browning: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Vivian Browning, Parent of current Sam Fox student
  • Rebecca Bruce: WashU c/o 2020
  • Lolly Buenaventura: WashU c/o 2019
  • Ji young Byun: WashU c/o 2018
  • Ruqing Cao: WashU c/o 2019
  • Daniel Cano: WashU c/o 2019
  • Isabelle Carbone: WashU c/o 2017
  • Amy Carton: WashU c/o 2019
  • Luisa Castaneda: WashU c/o 2019
  • Courtney Cater: WashU c/o 2018
  • Lizzy Chalsen: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Zita Chan: WashU c/o 2018
  • Sarah Chang: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Lauren Chase: WashU c/o 2017
  • Alicia Chen: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Amy Chen: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Joanna Chen: WashU c/o 2020
  • Qin Ye Chen: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Gina Choi: Washu c/o 2016
  • Alex Chiu: Sam Fox c/o 2015, Marvel Animation
  • Maggie Chuang: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Irene Chun: WashU c/o 2018
  • Carmi Cioni: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Dana Citrin: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Claire Cofelice: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Hayden Cohen: WashU c/o 2020
  • Julia Cohen: WashU c/o 2020
  • Michaela Cohen: WashU c/o 2020
  • Michael Collins: WashU c/o 2018
  • Chloe Cook: WashU c/o 2018
  • Manuela Correia: Sam Fox
  • Maria Cortez Lopez: WashU c/o 2020
  • Lily Cheng: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Gwen Clark: WashU c/o 2018
  • Gabriella Clifford: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Lea Cross: WashU c/o 2020
  • Mara Cruvant: Sam Fox c/o 2013, Laumeier Sculpture Park
  • Darcy Cunningham: WashU c/o 2019
  • María Dabrowski: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Kian Dahlberg: WashU c/o 2020
  • Karalena Davis: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Grace Davis: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Isabelle Davis: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Christian Del Rio: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Kristen DeMondo: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Alex DeRosa: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Laura Desch: Sam Fox c/o 2014
  • Caryn Devaney: WashU c/o 2018
  • Eden Diamond: WashU c/o 2018
  • Erin Dickey: WashU c/o 2019
  • Caroline Dierksheide: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Victoria DiStasi: WashU c/o 2017
  • Laurella Dotan: WashU c/o 2018
  • Alana Downie: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Madelyn Drolen: WashU c/o 2018
  • Jordan Dubin: WashU c/o 2019
  • Allison Dulman: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Adria Duncan: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Emily Duncan: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Sara Dusenberry: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Haley Eagle: WashU c/o 2019
  • Fiona Eckert: WashU c/o 2020
  • Maggie Edelman: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Natalie Edwards: WashU c/o 2018
  • Shaun Ee: WashU c/o 2017
  • Katie Ehrlich: Sam Fox: c/o 2018
  • Claire Elias: WashU c/o 2018
  • Chandler Elliott-Fehle: WashU c/o 2017
  • Mary Ellis: WashU c/o 2019
  • Trenton Ellis: WashU c/o 2015
  • Ariella Elovic: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Lucy Elwy: WashU c/o 2020
  • Katie Engelmeyer: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Rebecca Erde: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Celia Ernstrom: WashU c/o 2020
  • Nicolette Esparza: WashU c/o 2019
  • Kossivi Esse: WashU c/o 2018
  • William Eucker: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Gina Eum: WashU c/o 2016
  • Ethan Evans: WashU c/o 2019
  • Libby Evan: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Mara Evans: WashU c/o 2017
  • Claudia Evaristo: WashU c/o 2018
  • Jess Ewald: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Katie Ewald: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Emily Fajardo: Sam Fox c/o 2014
  • Maddie Farrer: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Casey Federbusch: Sam Fox c/o 2015, Ptarmigan Media
  • Jacqueline Feldman: WashU c/o 2018
  • Alessandra Ferrari-Wong: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Alaina Fierro: WashU c/o 2019
  • Zoë Finkelstein: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Katie Fischbach: WashU c/o 2016
  • Amanda Fosnight: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Christina Fox
  • Helen Fox: WashU c/o 2019
  • Nicole Fox: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Mira Fradkin: Attending Sam Fox Fall 2017
  • Jennifer Frey: WashU c/o 2017
  • Jack Frischer: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Matt Fuess: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Mary Fuhlbrigge: WashU c/o 2018
  • Taylor Fulton: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Andrew Friedman: WashU c/o 2018
  • Ruoyi Gan: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Sasha Gardner: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Alexander Gargano: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Mikaela Gatewood: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Natalie Geismar: WashU c/o 2019
  • Alyse Gellis: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • John Gibson: WashU c/o 2020
  • Maria Gilfoyle: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Naomi Giddings: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Emma Gindy: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Sarah Gittleman: WashU c/o 2017
  • Arno Goetz: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Ali Gold: WashU c/o 2020
  • Reede Goldberg: WashU c/o 2019
  • Melina Goldman: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Eliana Goldstein: WashU c/o 2017, Student Assistant at Kemper
  • Erica Golubovsky: WashU c/o 2019
  • Nina Goode: WashU c/o 2019
  • Sofia Goodman: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Kara Gordon: Sam Fox c/o 2014, Point Five
  • Samantha Gordon: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Matthew Green: WashU c/o 2013
  • Elana Greenberg: WashU
  • Lily Greenwald: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Aitan Groener: WashU c/o 2018
  • Darby Hakken: WashU c/o 2020
  • Allison Hamburg: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Esther Hamburger: Sam Fox c/o 2014
  • Christina Han: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Jasmine Han: WashU c/o 2018
  • SJ Han: WashU c/o 2021
  • Zoë Handy: WashU c/o 2018
  • Tess Hankin: WashU c/o 2020
  • Mari Hattenbach: WashU c/o 2019
  • Shelby Hawkins: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Rachel Healey: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Michelle Hedlund: WashU c/o 2020
  • Allie Henner: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Andrew Hess: WashU c/o 2014
  • Sy-Wei Ho: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Joey Hobaugh: WashU c/o 2020
  • Tracey Hoel: WashU c/o 2018
  • Dalton Hoelscher: WashU c/o 2018
  • Eun-Bin Hong
  • Misha Hooda: WashU c/o 2018
  • Ellie Hopper: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Allie Hough: WashU c/o 2019
  • Mara Horn: WashU c/o 2018
  • Alice Hsu: WashU c/o 2019
  • Margaret Hua: WashU c/o 2020
  • Erica Hwang: WashU c/o 2018
  • Hollis Hwang: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Lily Hyon: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Jonah Lillioja: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Amanda Im: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Lisa Ito: Sam Fox c/o 2012, WeWork
  • Shilpa Iyyer: WashU c/o 2016
  • Rachel Jackson: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Chantal Jahchan: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Rosa Jang: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Leah Janover: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Mikki Janower: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Abisola Jegede: WashU c/o 2016
  • Ophelia Ji: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Maggie Jia: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Tonya Jiang: WashU c/o 2019
  • Noah Jodice: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Mikayla Johnson: WashU c/o 2019
  • Hanlu Jon: WashU c/o 2020
  • Veronica Jong: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Anna Joo: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Trevor Julius: WashU c/o 2020
  • Amanda Jung: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Chloe Kalish: WashU c/o 2018
  • Miranda Kalish: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Dan Kalvaitis: WashU c/o 2019
  • Lianne Kang: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Jiyoon Kang: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Madison Kaplan: WashU c/o 2020
  • Jillian Katz: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Rachel Katzin: WashU c/o 2019
  • Julia Kelly: WashU c/o 2016
  • Isabel Kennon: WashU c/o 2019
  • Rhea Khanna: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Joel Ki: WashU c/o 2020
  • Patty Kilbride: Sam Fox c/o 2015, Saint Louis Art Museum
  • Jee Kim: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Jenny Kim: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Michelle Kim: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Soojin Kim: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Kate Kimbell: WashU c/o 2019
  • Emma Kintisch: WashU c/o 2019
  • Hannah Kirley: WashU c/o 2020
  • Kelsie Kodama: WashU c/o 2018
  • Andy Koh: Sam Fox c/o 2014
  • Lauren Kolm: Sam Fox c/0 2013, Time Inc.
  • Claire Komyati: WashU c/o 2018
  • Anne Kramer: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Christina Krucylak: WashU c/o 2018
  • Claire Krupela: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • KJ Kuang: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Leah Kucera: WashU c/o 2014, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • Jessie Kurz: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Jane Kye: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Nikolai Laba: Sam Fox c/o 2016, NHS
  • Michaela Lange: WashU c/o 2019
  • Elana Lederman: WashU c/o 2013
  • Alex Lee: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Amy Lee: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Annie Lee: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Dana Lee: WashU c/o 2013
  • Jennifer Lee: Sam Fox c/o 2012
  • Ji Lee: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Johnny Lee: WashU c/o 2017
  • Kay Lee: WashU c/o 2018
  • Maddie Lee: WashU c/o 2019
  • Sang-Jin Lee: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Susan Lee: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Megan Lemaire: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Michael Len: WashU c/o 2018
  • Andrea Leon: WashU c/o 2017
  • Sara Lerner: WashU c/o 2019
  • Isabella Levethan: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Shannon Levin: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Eric Li: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Hana Li: WashU c/o 2018
  • Jonah Lillioja: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Simin Lim: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Chelsea Lin: WashU c/o 2017
  • Shelby Lindblad: Sam Fox c/o 2014
  • Anna Lin-Schweitzer: WashU c/o 2018
  • Robin Linzmayer: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Devon Litteral: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Sonya Liu: WashU c/o 2014
  • Zoe Liu: WashU c/o 2019
  • Eddie Livingstone: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Daria Locher: WashU c/o 2020
  • Christina Lu: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Emily Luken: Sam Fox c/o 2015, Higher Learning Commission
  • Haley Lundberg: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Megan Magray: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Emma Magidson: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Francesca Maida: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Joel Maiman: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Becky Mak: WashU c/ 2014
  • Serena Mani: WashU c/o 2018
  • Rebecca Manning: WashU c/o 2017
  • Nathan Marak: WashU c/o 2020
  • Dugan Marieb: WashU c/o 2020
  • Natalie Martinez: WashU c/o 2017
  • Monica McClain: Sam Fox c/o 2011
  • Joyce McCown: Sam Fox c/o 2014
  • Grant McCracken: Sam Fox c/o 2014
  • Erin McLear: Sam Fox c/o 2013, The Home Depot
  • Sara McCutcheon: WashU c/o 2019
  • Madeline McGraw: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Semhar Mekonnen: WashU c/o 2020
  • Alexandra Mei: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Amanda Mendelsohn: WashU c/o 2019
  • Ryan Mendelson: WashU c/o 2019
  • Teran Mickens: WashU c/o 2018
  • Catherine Midla: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Sarah Mitrano: Sam Fox c/o 2016, Moment
  • Emily Mogavero: Sam Fox c/o 2016, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston
  • Liz Morgan: WashU c/o 2017
  • Emi Morita: WashU, c/0 2013
  • Zoe Morris: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Haley Moore: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Lisa (Niemiec) Morra: Sam Fox c/o 2012, Philadelphia Museum of Art
  • Ruth Blair Moyers: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Maddy Mueller: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Clare Mulligan: WashU c/o 2015, Shakespeare Association of America
  • Haley Myers: WashU c/o 2020
  • Amanda Namchuk: WashU c/o 2019
  • Sachi Nagase: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Michelle Nahmad: Sam Fox c/o 2014
  • Anisha Nallakrishnan: WashU c/o 2019
  • Kyle Newton: Sam Fox c/o 2013, Greater Good Studio
  • Alexander Ngo: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • James Niekamp: Sam Fox c/o 2014
  • Rachel Nitzsche: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • James O’Boyle: Sam Fox c/o 2012
  • Courtney Oei: WashU c/o 2017
  • Cathy O’Malley: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Natalia Oledzka: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Anna Olson: Sam Fox c/2018
  • Katie Olson: Sam Fox c/o 2013, Bardel Entertainment
  • Amarachi Onyema: WashU c/o 2019
  • Akua Owusu-Dommey: WashU c/o 2013
  • Audrey Palmer: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Jeri Lynn Palmer: WashU c/o 1994, Clayton School District
  • Andrew Pandji: Sam Fox c/o 2016, Lumogram
  • Faith Pang: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Jessica Pang: WashU c/o 2019
  • Madeline Partner: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Carter Paterson: WashU c/o 2019
  • Monika Pawar: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Lucas Peng: WashU c/o 2020
  • Isabelle Perla: WashU c/o 2020
  • Sarah Perlin: WashU c/o 2020
  • Laurie Perng: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Allison Persky: WashU c/o 2017
  • Ricki Pettinato: WashU c/o 2017
  • Reid Petty: WashU c/o 2017
  • Cam Phelan: WashU c/o 2021
  • Jasmine Pickens: WashU c/o 2019
  • Alex Pierce: WashU c/o 2020
  • Jacqueline Pifer: Sam Fox c/o 2016, Huge Inc.
  • Maddy Pinckney: WashU c/o 2020
  • Alexis Pinzon: WashU c/o 2020
  • Felicia Podberesky: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Brandon Pogrob: Sam Fox c/o 2015, Seiden Advertising
  • Ebonie Pollock: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Tola Porter: WashU c/o 2021
  • Samantha Posner: WashU c/o 2019
  • Susannah Price: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Abby Pribble: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Olivia Primeaux: WashU c/o 2018
  • Ashley Profozich: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Liz Prutz: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Angela Pu: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Sarah Pulvirenti: WashU
  • Arjun Puri: WashU c/o 2020
  • Xinye Qian: WashU c/o 2018
  • Angela Qiu: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Anais Quach: WashU c/o 2020
  • Missy Quick: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Sydney Rabin: WashU
  • Sanjana Ramesh Babu: WashU c/o 2019
  • Emily Ramos: WashU c/o 2017
  • Emily Rapoza: WashU c/o 2019
  • Natalie Rawson: Sam Fox c/0 2017
  • Kelsey Ray: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Raj Reddy: WashU c/o 2019
  • Jackie Reich: Sam Fox c/o 2015, 2e Creative
  • Taylor Reid: WashU c/o 2019
  • Hannah Richter: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Alex Riedel: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Julia Rifkin: WashU c/o 2020
  • Emma Riley: Sam Fox c/o 2017, Gephardt Institute for Civic & Community Engagement
  • Julia Roberts: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Sabrina Roberts: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Brooke Robinson: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Carolina Rojas: WashU c/o 2020
  • Serina Romick: WashU c/o 2019
  • Julia Rose: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Ruby Rose: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Jessica Rosenblum: WashU c/o 2020
  • Laura Rosenbaum: WashU c/o 2019
  • Anna Roseberry: Sam Fox c/o 2012
  • Jo Rubinstein: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Paul Roth: Sam Fox c/o 2013, Radius
  • Laurel Ross: WashU c/o 2019
  • Franchesca Rousseas: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Sarah Rubin: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • So A Ryu: Sam Fox c/0 2018
  • Isa Sabraw: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Shannon Saffer: WashU c/o 2019
  • Anurima Sahrma: WashU c/o 2019
  • Jeremy Sandler: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Monica Sass: WashU c/o 2019
  • Naomi Savin: WashU c/o 2019
  • Ezekiel Saucedo: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Neil Savalia: WashU c/o 2013
  • Rebecca Savitt: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Lily Schacht: WashU c/o 2017
  • Hannah Schanzer: WashU c/o 2019
  • Sam Schauer: Sam Fox c/o 2014
  • Audrey Schield: WashU c/o 2017, Digitas
  • Sam Schimek: WashU c/o 2019
  • Caroline Schmidt: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Gaby Schneider: WashU c/o 2013
  • Katie Schneider: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Kevin Schneider: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Jenna Schnitzler: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Karen Shultz: WashU c/o 2020
  • Susu Schwaber: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Lydia Seaman: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Chandler Seed: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Katie Segel: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Hille Sennott: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Nicole Seo: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Sydney Shaiman: WashU c/o 2020
  • Shoshanah Shanes: WashU c/o 2017
  • Mimi Shang: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Isabel Shapiro: WashU c/o 2020
  • Shilpi Sharma: WashU c/o 2017
  • Ellen Sheehy: WashU c/o 2018
  • Jerry Shen: WashU c/o 2018
  • Karen Shen: WashU c/o 2019
  • Rebecca Shih: Sam Fox c/o 2016, Epic
  • Katie Shin: WashU c/o 2016
  • Shaina Shultz: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Mitch Shultz: Parent of current Sam Fox student
  • Becca Shuman: Sam Fox c/o 2014, IBM
  • Allison Siegel: Sam Fox c/o 2014, Greater Good Studio
  • Madison Siguenza: WashU c/o 2020
  • Carson Simon: WashU c/o 2020
  • Olivia Simon: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Julia Simpson: WashU c/o 2020
  • Urvi Sinha: WashU c/o 2018
  • Mia Sitterson: WashU c/o 2019
  • Corinna Siu: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Shannon Slade: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Lauren Slaughter: WashU c/o 2020
  • Sam Smathers: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Evonne Smith: Sam Fox c/o 2014
  • Jordan Smith: WashU c/o 2020
  • Mikkel Snyder: WashU c/o 2013
  • Mariel Sokolov: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Luke Sorensen: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Nina Stoller: WashU c/o 2017
  • Ilana Spindel: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Jenna Stempel: Sam Fox c/o 2012
  • Rachel Stollman: WashU c/o 2019
  • Maya Strod: WashU c/o 2018
  • Carly Strauss: WashU c/o 2019
  • Leah Strickman: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Hannah Sugarman: WashU c/o 2019
  • Will Sun: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • LizAnn Sung: WashU c/o 2020
  • Rose Suna: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Jaime Swank: WashU c/o 2018
  • Emily Sybrant: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Laken Sylvander: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Sophie Taibl: WashU c/o 2020
  • Ben Talisman: WashU c/o 2018
  • Jason Tang: WashU c/o 2020
  • Jingyi Tan: WashU c/o 2018
  • Zefang Tang: WashU c/o 2019
  • Michael Tarazi: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Max Temescu: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Jenna Thomas: WashU c/o 2019
  • M. Alan Thomas II: WashU c/o 2007
  • Zach Thomas: Sam Fox c/o 2014, AOR, Inc.
  • Emma Thompson: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Libby Thompson: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Dr. Nicholas Thornburg: WashU c/o 2012, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Kate Thorne: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Jessie Thornton: WashU c/o 2019
  • Julia Thummel: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Tom Tian: WashU c/o 2020
  • Lindsay Tracy: WashU c/o 2018
  • Noah Treviño: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Ashley Tsai: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Kelly Tsao: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Alexis Turum: Sam Fox c/o 2014, Kaiser Permanente
  • Taylor Tuteur: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Stacey Uhm: WashU c/o 2019
  • Madeleine Underwood: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Namrata Vakkalagadda: WashU c/o 2018
  • Ariel Vasser: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Julia veitinger: WashU c/o 2019
  • Anna Villanyi: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Lindsay Virgilio: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Anjali Vishwanath: WashU c/o 2019
  • Robert Waclawik: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Elizabeth Waggoner: WashU c/o 2020
  • Erin Waldman: WashU c/o 2018
  • Evan Walker: WashU c/o 2017
  • Eve Wallack: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Rylie Walter: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Emma Waltman: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Alice Wang: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Amy Wang: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Christina Wang: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Elise Wang: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Gary Wang: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Grace Wang: WashU c/o 2018
  • Rita Wang: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Sara Wang: WashU c/o 2017
  • Tara Wang: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Kate Wardenburg: WashU c/o 2020
  • Claire Warhover: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Morgan Weatherall: WashU c/o 2020
  • Matt Weinberg: Sam Fox c/o 2016
  • Jordan Weinstock: WashU c/o 2019
  • Danny Weiner: WashU c/o 2018
  • Maddie Weirick: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Rachel Weiss: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Adira Weixlmann: Sam Fox c/o 2012, Gensler
  • Jessica Wen: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Alli Weske: WashU c/o 2020
  • Joe Wheeler: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Bria White: WashU c/o 2018
  • Lina Willey: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Ali Wilkening: WashU c/o 2020
  • Brandon Williams: WashU c/o 2020
  • Emily Williams: WashU c/o 2018
  • Rebecca Williams: WashU c/o 2019
  • Devin Williamson: WashU c/o 2019
  • Michael Williamson: WashU c/o 2020
  • Olivia Williamson: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Emily Wilson: WashU c/o 2016
  • Emma Winick: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Kelly Wisneski: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Jeremy Wojtak: WashU c/o 2018
  • Megan Wolf: WashU c/o 2018
  • Youngsun Won: WashU c/o 2016
  • Rachel Wortham: WashU c/o 2018
  • Erin Woo: Sam Fox c/o 2013, Studio Rodrigo
  • Katarina Wood: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Kendra Woodruff: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Jennifer Wu: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Justine Xi: Sam Fox
  • Lizhen Xiang: WashU c/o 2018
  • Sherry Xiao: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Hanna Xu: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Lily Xu: WashU c/o 2020
  • Sherry Xu: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Makio Yamamoto: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Lucy Yan: WashU c/o 2013, The Cleveland Museum of Art
  • Alicia Yang: WashU c/o 2018
  • Haoru Yang: WashU c/o 2018
  • Kaitlin Yang: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Lily Yang: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Madison Yang: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Mary Yang: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Patrick Yang: WashU c/o 2019
  • Tiffany Yao: WashU c/o 2019
  • Annie Yaris: WashU c/o 2020
  • Johanna Yee: Sam Fox c/o 2018
  • Nicole Yen: Sam Fox c/o 2014
  • Jessica Yeung: Sam Fox c/o 2012
  • Yang Yi: WashU c/o 2020
  • Anna Yoder: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Caroline Yoo: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Kristine Yoon: WashU c/0 2018
  • Rick Yoon: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Kristina You: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Nicholas Youmans: WashU c/o 2018
  • Sylvia Yu: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Jenny Yun: Sam Fox c/0 2018
  • Katie Yun: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Max Zagor: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Grace Zajdel: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Emily Zalla: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Jane Zankman: WashU c/o 2018
  • Alejandra Zarazua: Sam Fox c/o 2015
  • Emma Zastrow: WashU c/o 2020
  • Michelle Zhang: WashU c/o 2018
  • Priyanka Zylstra: WashU c/2o18
  • Wendy Zhang: Sam Fox c/o 2020
  • Katherine Zhao: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Lingxin Zhao: WashU c/o 2018
  • Casey Zheng: Sam Fox c/o 2017
  • Connie Zheng: Sam Fox c/o 2013
  • Wilson Zhong: WashU c/o 2019
  • Isabella Zinn: Sam Fox c/o 2019
  • Kevin Zhu: WashU c/o 2019
  • Aiden Zucker: Sam Fox c/o 2016, MURAL
  • Lauren Zwick: WashU c/o 2019

