WOOF TOOLS teh Dextools Killer! Independent Live Price Marketplace for Shibarium Ecosystem.

Woof Tools
5 min readFeb 25, 2023

Ready to trade in crypto and earn in crypto?
Introducing… Woof Tools!
Join teh Woofsolution!

What is the Live Crypto Marketplace?

Simply put, an online platform to connect live cryptocurrency prices with clients looking to trade in real time. People go there to watch live and trade in the cryptocurrency market.

While Dextools, DexScreener and CoinMarketcap are the best-known examples, they have major problems that WoofTools is here to address

The Future of the Autonomous Is In the Blockchain

This is where WoofTools comes in, allowing users to monitor large spreads on group pairs, anticipate market movements.

$WOOFS, $ETH, $SHIB and over 100 other cryptocurrencies. $WOOFS is an ERC-20 token, WoofTools will start first in a liquidity startup pool.

The epic level of liquidity raised will then be implemented in a Uniswap-V3 liquidity pool , which will be locked immediately, after launch . We are proud to join and serve the Shiba Inu ecosystem by being one of the first projects to migrate to Shibarium, Shiba’s upcoming L2 solution.

Worried about Ethereum transaction fees? Relax: Shibarium’s fees for using Woof Tools will be close to zero.

We are pleased to announce many great partnerships, including Unification — with more to come!

Integrating Oracle of Oracles + Beacon

Keep WOOFin’, and spread the word…

Do I smell an independent revolution in the air, or is it just the smell of wet dog coming from our growing WOOFS Pack? Be fruitful and multiply young WOOFSERS! Welcome to the WOOFSOLUTION!

After a decent release of WOOFS in the 10th month of Q4 and the growth of our BARKtastic community, it will be time to release the WoofTools framework in Q4 2023.

Why the current trading market is broken
Dextools is broken. It is very expensive (Update the info of a project, and trade).

It’s a headache!

The point is that there is a big juicy bone for an independent live trading market that people actually want to use.

It’s so bad that freelancers look for new platforms just to avoid the tokens that Dextools shows are trending because most of them end up on rugpull…. Everyone (who is Top Dog enough to try) does it. Heck, it’s that or let your project die! ‘doggybowl’!

But it’s a high risk game…

Dextools monitors newly created token pairs from its own node, looking for new “gems” could be the end of your investment. No warning! Man, that’s ruff!

Unlike WoofTools it monitors newly created token pairs using UNIFICATION’s Oracles of Oracles (OoO), a secure immutable non-tamperable price source.

A Top Doggo with a group of people can invest in a token and manipulate the votes of a newly created token and benefit in their favor in Dextools and give it a percentage of 100% and it will be shown as a positive token by the community. Because of this information, many Doggos and Puppies have lost several amounts for displaying manipulable information.
Do your own research!


And that’s only if you’re lucky enough to realize it!

Most people don’t even wait to get a premium account on Dextools to vote because it’s already too broken and expensive.

Everything they can do, we can WOOFS better.

The Woof Tools differences are simple:

  • No high fees (0% to 5% max).
  • Keep what you earn
  • Trade and earn with cryptocurrencies: the money of the future
  • Trade as an anonymous doggo if you prefer
  • Extra dog treats with Woofserral Program and Dogshouse Staking
  • Crypto transaction fees in Shibarium L2 will be almost zero
  • Own exchange and Launchpad (a place where we can launch new generation projects, a kind of incubator)

Commission structure
When trading in $WOOFS, very reasonable 0% tax on commissions.
Commissions per trade in $SHIB are only 2.5% and trades in other cryptocurrencies have a reasonable maximum of 5%. Each trade in SHIB will be allocated 1% to SHIB burns. The remaining 1.5% will go to the liquidity fund that will be blocked for $WOOFS, guaranteeing an influx of liquidity to the project! $WOOFS will revalue for each SHIB trade on the platform in addition to burning SHIB! This is the WOOFSOLUTION!

Look, you trade hard for your money — you should keep it!

$WOOFS will also facilitate rewards through the Dogshouse Staking Program and the Woofserral Affiliate Program. This is all part of the growing decentralized Shiba ecosystem, where DeFi is king and Dextools can go Woofs itself.

Additional dog treats for WOOFSERS.
Have you been a good boy?

We think you have! That’s as long as you have $WOOFS, bet $WOOFS and refer new users to the platform.

Did someone say steak?

No, not that kind of steak hairball! We’re talking about our Doghouse Staking program. Liquidity is the kibble that keeps Woof Tools’ belly full, which is why we like to reward our Woofserrers generously …

Dogshouse Staking Program Rewards:

Stake X* $WOOFS, rates drop to 4%.
Stake 5X* $ WOOFS, rates go down to 2%.
Stake 10X* $ WOOFS, rates drop to 0%.

*X (number of tokens $WOOFS) to be determined

Is your little furry one’s mouth watering yet?

We would love your help to get new users to join the trade and earn crypto live platform too, and that’s what our WOOFSERRAL program is all about — all you have to do is convince new customers (people who trade, (buy & sell) to join Woofs. Bag of Tools.

For every customer you WOOFSER, you will earn $10 in $WOOFS, plus a $50 bonus for inviting 10+ customers and an additional $500 bonus for inviting a total of 100+ customers.

Get all that? In other words…

WOOFSERRAL Program Rewards:

Earn $10 WOOFS for every customer you WOOFSER.
Plus a $50 $WOOFS bonus for inviting a total of 10+ clients
Plus a $500 $WOOFS bonus for inviting a total of 100+ customers
And remember…

Freelance rates are always 0% for freelancers who get paid in $WOOFS!

As every doggo knows, community is everything: we’re here to serve the Shiba Inu community, grow the WOOFS Pack and create a Woofsolution decentralized together!

And we are just getting started…

So, invite your doggo friends and young pups alike to join our community…WOOFS only!


Website: https://WoofTools.io

Telegram community: https://t.me/woof_tools

Twitter: @Woof_Tools

Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/tokens/ethereum/0x6e0d90408e6e28ff19d5e444c6d9d2751712bfaa

OoO — Unification’s Oracle of Oracles onchain oracle powered by xFUND — uses pricing sources from https://finchains.io/



Woof Tools

Give a dog a $WOOFS, feed him for a day. Teach a dog to Woofs… https://WoofTools.io