How not to get hung up on emotions

Woojin Go
5 min readApr 5, 2022
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It’s no secret that humans are emotional creatures. We feel a wide range of emotions every day, from happiness and love to sadness and anger. And while it’s perfectly normal and healthy to feel emotions, sometimes they can get the best of us. When we get too wrapped up in our emotions, it can be difficult to think clearly and make rational decisions. That’s why it’s important to know how to manage our emotions, so they don’t take over our lives.

The Different Types of Emotions

Several types of emotions? (image source:

There are four different types of emotions: positive, negative, mixed, and neutral. Positive emotions include happiness, love, and pride. Negative emotions include sadness, anger, and fear. Mixed emotions include both positive and negative emotions, such as love and fear. Neutral emotions are emotions that are not directed towards anything, such as boredom or apathy.

The Role of Emotions in Our Lives

Emotions play an important role in our lives. They can be the difference between a good day and a bad day, or a good decision and a bad decision. However, it is important to remember that emotions are not always accurate. Just because we feel something doesn’t mean it is true.

There are times when we need to be able to step back and examine our emotions to see if they are really warranted. This can be difficult to do, but it is important to remember that our emotions are not always accurate. Just because we feel something doesn’t mean it is true.

Sometimes, we should step back and examine our emotions. (source:

If we can learn to take a step back and examine our emotions, we can learn to control them better. We can learn to not let our emotions rule our lives. We can learn to not get hung up on them.

The Consequences of Getting Hung Up on Emotions

Results & consequences. (image source:

It’s no secret that emotions can be a powerful force in our lives. They can drive us to do things we never thought possible and lead us down paths we never would have chosen. But, they can also be a major stumbling block if we allow them to get the best of us.

There are a number of consequences that can come from getting too wrapped up in our emotions. First and foremost, it can lead to some poor decision-making. When we’re in the throes of an emotional reaction, we’re not thinking clearly and rationally. We’re more likely to make decisions based on how we feel in the moment, rather than what’s actually in our best interest.

This can have a major impact on our lives, both in the short and long term. In the short term, we may make impulsive decisions that we later regret. In the long term, we may find ourselves in situations that are difficult to get out of because we made a rash decision in the heat of the moment.

Another consequence of getting too caught up in our emotions is that it can lead to us being controlled by them. When we’re constantly reacting to our emotions, we’re not in control of our lives. We’re at the mercy of whatever feeling we happen to be experiencing in the moment. This can be extremely detrimental to our mental and emotional well-being.

If we want to live happy and fulfilling lives, it’s important that we learn how to manage our emotions. This doesn’t mean suppressing them or pretending they don’t exist. It simply means not letting them control us. When we’re able to do this, we’re able to make better decisions, achieve our goals, and lead more satisfying lives.

How to Avoid Getting Hung Up on Emotions

Avoid getting hung up on emotions (source:

It’s easy to get caught up in our emotions and allow them to dictate our actions and thoughts. However, this can often lead to negative consequences that we may later regret. Here are some tips on how to avoid getting hung up on emotions:

  1. Recognize your triggers. What situations or circumstances tend to trigger strong emotions in you? Once you’re aware of your triggers, you can start to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for those situations.
  2. Don’t bottle up your emotions. It’s okay to feel whatever you’re feeling, but it’s important to find healthy ways to express those emotions. Suppressing your emotions can lead to them coming out in destructive ways.
  3. Stay mindful. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings in the present moment, without judgment. This can help you to better understand and manage your emotions.
  4. Practice self-compassion. Be kind and understanding towards yourself, especially when you’re going through a tough time. This can help to prevent you from getting overwhelmed by your emotions.
  5. Seek professional help. If you’re struggling to cope with your emotions, don’t hesitate to seek help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide you with the support and guidance you need to manage your emotions in a healthy way.


In conclusion, remember that it is important to not get hung up on emotions. If you find yourself in a situation where you are feeling a strong emotion, take a step back and try to remember that it is just a feeling and it will pass. It is also important to be mindful of the emotions of others, and to not let your emotions get in the way of your relationships.

Again, thank you for reading this blog:) If you enjoyed this one, please leave some claps for me 👏👏👏👏👏 :)

Hope you have a great day.





Woojin Go

Ph.D. | Seoul National University (SNU) | Focused on innovations and sustainable solutions