Bilibin XR: What we dare to hope for.

9 min readOct 20, 2021


Hello! My name is Pavel Sovushkin. I’m an experience designer for XR projects.

An experience designer is like a film director. The experience designer thinks about how the elements of the XR project work together to shape the experience. Think about the visual, technical, storytelling, and interactive aspects.And how all the parts form a whole.

We can create our own experience. Our world. Our reality. Creating the whole. We construct meanings over images. Striving to reach the highest meanings.

Experience designer creates reality. When we create, we pay attention to creation iIn joy. The experience designer’s mindset is to create a reality in love. Love does good.

For me, as an experience designer, the thought of existence is delightful. In every moment of our existence, we are blessed. The advent of augmented reality glasses allows you to perceive reality in a new way. To feel every moment through as a miracle.

Augmented reality glasses give the experience of explicitly living the reality that is happening. Life flows through us with our eyes open. We feel connected to the general reality, through the ability to influence the base world through AR glasses.

Augmented reality glasses create a new space of awareness. Thousands of generations will live in overlapping layers of reality.

It is a great goodness to stand in our time defining the cultural threads of a new space.

See the fabulousness of the surrounding world. I am inspired by the possibility of creativity. With open eyes, observe how Love is poured into the World.

Projects are the fruits of our activities.

I lead the WOWlab team and together we are making an Art project Bilibin XR for the AR glasses.

WOWlab is a consortium of Experience designers for XR projects.

XR meaning that (VR) Virtual Reality and AR Augmented Reality in one sentence

For 5 years we have been creating XR Art projects for the global world’s museums. Our projects continue the works of great artists through the prism of VR and AR experience.

More about culture in our projects: Link

We have worked with major museums, such as the Tretyakov Gallery, the Gogol Museum in Serpukhov and the Museum of Russian Impressionism.

The projects were made for such artists as Ivan Shishkin, Kazimir Malevich and Natalya Goncharova, David Burliuk, Nikolai Gogol.

All the projects continue the Threads of the cultures in which our souls live. Our mind is formed within civilizations that convey symbolic meanings of the world.

As an experience designer, I am grateful to create in the era of connecting cultural threads with a new reality. At the point where the Metaverse big bang began.

A meaningful creator takes responsibility for the objects of his mind and the activity that he creates.

Everyone who is creative Like the branches of a tree. We are creating a world of ideas and light made ideas manifest by showing them in AR glasses.

Imagine that the entire physical world is covered with shadow. The base world is not available to you. There are only reflections of the physical world — the world of shining ideas. Observation lives in these ideas. What kind of world would you make out of the fragments? What kind of mirror would you collect?

The artistic experience is blissful. Living it through is apparent.

About Bilibin

Bilibin XR is our new internal Art project.

In the Bilibin XR project, we combine all the accumulated experience on artistic XR projects.

In the Bilibin XR, we continue the exploration of the great artist Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin through the images of a folk tale.

Bilibin is a great artist of the Silver Age. A descendant of an old merchant family, a lawyer-jurist and in love with fine art.

The artist participated in archaeological expeditions to the Russian North, made sketches of wooden huts and temples, costumes, embroidery, utensils, collected icons, splints and gingerbread boards.

Art critics analyzed the clarity and rigidity of the contour drawing, the accuracy of compositions, the emotional intensity of color spots, the conciseness of forms, the elegance of stylizations and the craving for ornamentation.

Bilibin is still considered by many to be the ideal book artist and the best illustrator of Russian folk tales.

A fairy tale is the most ancient way of sharing an experience.

About the importance of the myth

Myth is the shaping fabric of our worldview. The cultures of the peoples reflect a single myth in their stories.

As a designer of XR project experience, I pay attention to what a person feels. What kind of experience does a person gain when passing through the space of ideas created by the project.

Experience forms a picture of the world. The picture of the world determines our values and actions.

In cooperation with the British School of Design and Art, we conducted large-scale research, which we use in creating scenarios, mechanics and graphics of the Bilibin XR project.

About Bilibin XR project

Bilibin XR is an interactive folk tale for augmented reality glasses.

The interactive tale Bilibin XR consists of 7 chapters. Each chapter is a complete story with mechanics for AR glasses.

We are preparing the Bilibin XR project for Cannes and XR festivals

We want to reach the limits of artistic and technical performance for augmented reality glasses and push those limits.

7 chapters of an interactive fairy tale for AR glasses.

  • Each part is an independent experience for AR glasses
  • For the project, we will create 10,000 art objects from the fairy-tale world.

Fabulous objects are part of the game mechanics in AR glasses. The player gets different art objects for his collection when interacting with the environment in different ways.

In the first chapter we have 5 collections of art objects.

We will connect NFT technology to our collections of Art Objects.
When the project is shown at festivals, each interactive object of the story will have its own owner.

We want to invest $7 million in the development of the project. So that the entire generation of AR glasses users will have a fabulous experience.

We will send AR glasses to the early adopters in discord community.

With AR glasses you will be the first to experience the technical and artistic maximum possible for augmented reality glasses.

The first collection that we are launching: A collection of fabulous apples.

We will release:

  • 3 super rare golden apples
  • 49 limited apples
  • 1000 apples generated through AR glasses

The magic apples appear as a result of meditation inside the story in AR glasses.

1000 apples will be generated via neural interface connected to AR glasses.

After putting on glasses and meditating, the player receives a Mint apple as a result of his practice. Brain waves captured through the neural interface will affect the pattern that will appear on the magic apple.

For early adopters in Discord we will provide AR glasses and neural interfaces to achieve the maximum WOW experience.

About the Good.

Contemplation of the beauty of the Eternal flight.

At the discretion of thousands of years in the present moment of action.

Creating the good in love.


The Benefit for Metaverse.

We will give the first generation of AR glasses users a fabulous experience, revealing the artistic and technical capabilities of the device.

The Benefit Of Experience.


Designers of experience collect the fruits of projects into a methodology.

The designer of experience generates creativity. In partnership with academies we show how thinking on a project takes place using the examples of our projects.

How to think about the task when your task is to create the world?

Forms of thinking — form creation. Ideas generate objects of the world. A person strives for the Good.

Aspiration occurs in the ability to distinguish shadows from the light of Good. Through thinking, approaching the Good.

The ancient Greeks put effort into creating academies to shape the world. Plato and Aristotle formed the way of thinking and acting on the object.

Just as the political practice of the Greeks is designed to serve the common happiness, so the idea of XR design is designed to create worlds shining in the good.

A form of thinking about your goals and principles.Work on the space where thought can grow. The practical activities of the WOWlab consortium as XR designers become the basis for a story about the practices used in collecting experience in XR projects.

We think about what the artist who creates reality is thinking about.

Imagine that you have the power to create reality around you. To give shape to your desires as if formed in clay.

What kind of world would you build? Is your world benevolent? Is there happiness and love in it?

Is your world fair? Is it equally benevolent to its Parts of the Whole?

As Designers of experience we tell new designers in academies about creating reality in love based on our XR projects.

In the British School of Art&Design we have trained three streams of 200 students in experience design.
Based on the Bilibin XR project, we are creating materials for the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, where we will tell you about creating an artistic experience for XR glasses.

The benefit of methodology.


We create in rapprochement with the Good through thinking. Thinking elevates us above the map of reality and allows us to think about actions outside the boundaries of personality.

The desire to create the common good.

By creating reality and consolidating it through technologies that give value and meaning to things.

The philosopher is happy approaching the radiance of Good through thinking in the world of ideas.

The artist lives in the world of ideas at the moment of clear creation. We will give people the experience of artistic creation through AR glasses. Everyone will be able to become part of an expanding artistic project exploring culture and experience for a new reality.

By connecting the project to NFT, we will receive additional funding for the project.

Our idea is to invest $7 million in the Bilibin XR project to achieve the highest possible technical and artistic quality in AR glasses.

We will send augmented reality glasses to early adopters in Discord and they will be able to generate ART objects with NFT technology through meditative practice in AR glasses.

Thank you.




WOW lab develop (UX)User Experience design for AR and VR projects.