Concept Design for Apple AR Glasses Meditation.

3 min readJul 18, 2022


Hello! My name is Pavel Sovushkin. I am an experience designer for XR projects.
For 5 recent years, together with WOWlab team, we have been doing UX / UI design for VR / AR projects.

WOWlab is a consortium of UX / UI designers for XR projects. Based on the projects, we creating teaching materials that show designs methods to our students in British higher school of art and design. As part of the program, we have already trained over 200 designers in three years.

In this post, I will talk about the creation of a design concept for Apple AR Glasses.

Together with the British Higher School of Design and Art, we thought about what an ecosystem and application for meditation in Apple AR glasses could look like.

In a series of publications, I will show how the process of creating a design for AR glasses is built and what results we have come to. In this publication, I will talk about the stage of preparation for the study.

Preparation for the study.

Step 1:

Определяем цели. Цель содержит пользу. Блага.

We define project goals. The project arises around the goal.
The goal is manifested (achieved) through values.

At the very beginning of the movement, we determine to what good we are moving and through what values we act.

Step 2:

We define the project members positions and areas of responsibility.

Make it clear, who is responsible for what.

Step 3:

Processes. We define methods how we act.

begining of research.

ask questions.

1)What is the value of the project?
2)What is the strategic maximum of the project? We determine the potential of our action. We think over what decisions can be made that expand the foreseeable maximum.
4) Checkpoints for the project?
5) What is the vision for strategic partnerships?
6) The audience?. What value to the audience. Clarify the segment.
7) What experience are we creating? What do we know about current scenarios of behavior?
8) What technological possibilities are there for solving problems?
9) What is our success criterion? When do we consider that the problem is solved?


  1. Prioritization.
  2. Market Analytics
  3. User Journey.
  4. concept document. Suggestions for solving problems.
  5. Criteria for success.

Segmentation / Focusing
Identify key stakeholders and user categories.

Audience analysis:

  • Studying the Audience (portrait). How else can you describe users? Study the audience and better highlight the conscious segment.
  • What needs to be resolved? Why is this important to them?
  • Wants, needs, hopes and dreams.
  • What are they facing while solving these problems now? Are there any difficulties?
  • Stories and observations. Quotes or experience descriptions. Is there anything else we need to consider?

Design Algorithm

  • Start with the CJM — phase structure.
  • Actions — individual steps within each stage. May include different Actors and their interaction with each other.
  • choose the right starting point
  • Highlight key CJM contributors to describe process steps
  • Designate points of contact. Channels — points of contact.
  • Show empathy. add emotion. Emotions are moments of experience.




WOW lab develop (UX)User Experience design for AR and VR projects.