WOWlab_Methodology UX/VR

6 min readApr 17, 2019


My name is Pavel Sovushkin. I create the experience.

My instrument — virtual reality.

I coordinate the work of the team and design the content. If we use the terminology of the movie — I’m the director. In terms of the new time — I do User Experience design. On the example of their projects, I will talk about how the experience is created. I look at the task of creating the experience with the philosopher. For me, the basis of any activity is thinking. Thinking in a certain way about what you are doing — you begin to distinguish the content of what you work with. Virtual reality is different from other story creation tools.

Creating experiences in virtual reality requires a special mindset.

To illustrate the difference between the virtual reality of other areas, I will briefly outline the techniques available to virtual reality.

Creating an experience in painting:

Painting can be reduced to a set of techniques. Some of these methods aims to control the attention of the beholder. The images on the web are in such a way as to direct the gaze of the beholder on the desired trajectory. The artist controls how the image will be seen and thus tells the story. Attention control is the foundation that will remain in all directions through which a person tells his stories.

Creating the experience in the movie:

With the advent of cinema — Number of channels through which the viewer perceives history has increased; There is a time. Images began to move and replace each other. Appeared mounting. It took a way to think about this movement so as to control. Control the experience arising from the viewer. The pioneers in the cinema realized that by building images in a certain sequence — one can control the meaning that the viewer perceives.

Creating experiences in virtual reality:

With each step Number of channels of became more and more. New directions absorbed the previously accumulated material and faced the task of how to think and work with new channels of perception.

Taking a into virtual reality — we have achieved equality of perception channels with the way we perceive the world around us. In virtual reality — we live. In any case, this is.

We are standing on the threshold of a new reality and, like at all the stages we have passed, the question again arises before us: How to attention in Virtual reality? I will use the way that my colleague brought when he described the task of creating experience in virtual reality. Tamaz Murgulia compared the creation of experience in virtual reality with the painting of the Impressionists.

Creating virtual reality — we to create in virtual reality — you need special thinking. I called this thinking: Methodology UX / VR.

We are thinking a certain way — we will contact you to see the invisible.

Imagine you are entering. You know that inside the walls of this hangar collect ship. But there is one subtlety — this ship is invisible. Such an ship is the project at the creation stage. It does not yet exist and the project is not being built in reality, but primarily in the minds of people.

My task, as a reality director, is to see all the details of an invisible ship and coordinate the work of people collecting it in detail.

How is this possible? After all, projects in virtual reality can be called innovative, and if it is simpler, such projects have not been done before, and the creation norms have not yet been worked out.

Let’s take the first step to see the invisible. We must take a position with which we look at the project.

Position — determines the content that we see in our invisible ship. Getting up in different positions — we see different content. So looking at our invisible ship from different sides, we find its different parts: the steering wheel, the sails, etc. But if see only parts each time, then how do we assemble the whole? I believe that everything in our world is manifested through people. As directors of virtual reality, we need to select people who will stand in positions around our invisible ship and will peer into its details.

I create my teams from people who clearly see their part of the invisible. Surely you have met such people who in many matters may be inept, but turn their attention to the project from the right position and they are revealed.

For example, it may be artists who are very detailed knowledge of the project aesthetics. See the color, shape, harmony and clothe their vision in beauty.

How to see the strengths of people is a separate topic. As part of this text will connect all human qualities in what could be called his role.

As a director — you control command attention. You direct their thinking to parts of the invisible, so that they see there such details that are inaccessible to you.

Putting the right role in the right position is an important step in creating a project.

Putting people in positions we link them into relationships with each other. So our invisible ship begins to manifest itself from several side

But where are we in this scheme? And we, as the directors of virtual reality there. We are in superposition. We look from the side and see the whole picture. Our task: Leadership and Management. Through the people — we show the image of the project, which is in our thoughts.

Our task as directors of virtual reality is to manifest a project through people. We seem to be going around the project, looking at it from different positions. Having seen the project from different sides, we get its integral image, which is then again transmitted and manifested through people.

I call the method like this: UX scan. I took the metaphor from the process of creating a 3D copy of the real object. To make an exact copy of a real object, you can take pictures of all its sides and then the program will be able to collect a virtual copy from the snapshots.

Position — defines the content that we see in the project. From a position — we take a “snapshot” of our project in order to assemble it into a whole image. What positions are we looking at the project through?

Jesse Shell is a four-part project: History, Mechanics, Technology and Aesthetics. In our approach, we fix our content for each position and standing up, we look at the project through the lens, and we see different content in it.

So, you can see the invisible.

Going around the project once — you know his condition. Project status is changing.

Changes are carried by people and processes.

Changes like the flow of a river can be directed by the mind.

Seeing the project — you can reduce its parts in harmony. In the gaming industry, this design is called elegant. When an idea solves several problems at once.





WOW lab develop (UX)User Experience design for AR and VR projects.