15 of the Greatest Tag Team Champions, in Pro-Wrestling History

🐗 Nathan Rogers
2 min readFeb 11, 2019

15. The British Bulldogs

14. The Hart Foundation

13. The Hollywood Blondes

12. The Steiner Brothers

11. The Miracle Violence Connection

10. The Freebirds

9. Harlem Heat

8. The Brainbusters / Horsemen

7. Doom

6. The Hardy’s

5. Rock ‘n Roll Express

4. Demolition

3. The Midnight Express

2. The Dudley’s

1. The Road Warriors / Legion Of Doom



🐗 Nathan Rogers

Razorback Fanatic. MMA Enthusiast. Rasslin Zealot. Avid Outdoorsman. Amateur Philanthropist. Relaxation Connoisseur. Witty Sarcasmist. Random Blogger/Podcaster.