My Top 10 Favorite “Stone Cold” Steve Austin matches

🐗 Nathan Rogers
4 min readMar 16, 2019

To celebrate 3:16 day (March 16), I decided to post my top 10 “Stone Cold” Steve Austin matches. Not Hollywood Blonde Steve Austin or Ringmaster Steve Austin, but STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN. The character that changed professional wrestling. I have several but I’ll keep it short & sweet.

10. Vince McMahon at In Your House: Saint Valentines Massacre (1999) — Win

Let’s face it, this isn’t the greatest match. But how can you leave off the match that featured one of the greatest feuds in wrestling history, a steel cage, a bloodied Vince and the WWE/F debut of Paul White, AKA The Big Show. For those reasons, it breaks my top 10.

9. The Undertaker at Summerslam (1998) — Win

Austin. Undertaker. Two legends, possibly in their prime, for the WWF Championship at Madison Square Garden.

8. Bret Hart at Survivor Series (1996) — Loss

Possibly the best singles match of an Survivor Series and it was for the number one contender’s spot. This would be the beginnings of great things to come between Stone Cold & the Hitman.

7. Dude Love (Mick Foley) at Over The Edge (1998) — Win

An underrated match between two Hall of Famers. Austin gets some “help” by special guest referee, Mr. McMahon, which also fuels their feud.

6. Kurt Angle at Summerslam (2001) — Loss (By Disqualification)

Another underrated match by two Hall of Famers for the WWF Championship.

5. Triple H at No Way Out (2001) — Loss

In a unique, best of 3 falls, match had a “Three Stages Of Hell”.

First fall — Regular Match

Second fall — Street Fight

Third fall — Cage Match

4. The Rock at Wrestlemania 19 (2003) — Loss

This might not be his best match against The Rock, but it was a special one. This was Austin’s final, official match, before his retirement from in-ring action.

3. Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 14 (1998) — Win

In the hight of Austin’s white Hot popularity, this was an Awesome match & all over main stream media that featured Mike Tyson & is often credited for starting the Attitude Era.

2. Bret “The Hitman” Hart at Wrestlemania 13 (1997) — Loss

My personal favorite & possibly my favorite match of all time. An “I Quit” match against Bret Hart, a master technical wrestler. Tho Austin didn’t “quit”, his body did, due to blood loss. Austin stood up & walked out of the match in his own two feet, which made him even more over with the crowd, propelling his character as the toughest SOB in the WWF/E.

1. Jake “The Snake Roberts” at King Of The Ring (1996) — Win

By far was not his best match. But it is THE match that created & set fire to the legendary “Stone Cold” Steve Austin character. Without this match, you don’t get the “Austin 3:16” speech. So, it HAS to make #1 on my list.

So there ya go. That’s my 10 favorites. I know there’s plenty more deserving. What’s yours?

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🐗 Nathan Rogers

Razorback Fanatic. MMA Enthusiast. Rasslin Zealot. Avid Outdoorsman. Amateur Philanthropist. Relaxation Connoisseur. Witty Sarcasmist. Random Blogger/Podcaster.