FR2J: From Rookie to Journeyman

Michael Roberts
4 min readOct 27, 2016


Illustrations by @Clokwrkwerewolf

Getting started on the path.

Hey friends, I’m Mike and I am on path from Rookie to Journeyman in ‘Tech’. I completed my Computer Science degree at the end of 2015 and am approaching 1 year in my first full time role as a developer working in a Sydney based startup after working previously in another for most of the final year of my degree. Unlike most of my peers at University this was a career change and a conscious decision to go in a new direction rather than the beginning of my first career. I’ll speak more on the specifics in another post but for now you can find most of that out on all of the normal channels.

The Power Of Reflection.

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” — Confucius.

So why am I writing this series? tl;dr Reflection and to document some of my personal story over time. Experience I get every single day in my current role. Imitation… Well… Stackoverflow anyone? So, on this path I’m travelling, writing this is the noble part of my wisdom equation.

I would love to say it’s all about giving back — and there is some truth in that statement — however it’s really a way for me to process my mistakes, distill what I’ve learnt or taken away and identify what I still have to learn. It’s about actually taking the time to reflect, which is always personal. It’s also about ego and developing my own personal story. Documenting my travels so to speak.

This starts off being very about ‘Me’ but it may, hopefully, evolve into something else. No doubt if I do this well there might be value in this for others but surely I’ll use this to market myself in the future, network and such — which is a valuable thing for anyone on this path (pro tip). Even though there is a kind of hipster culture around this kind of thing now I intend for these words to be something of value, and I intend for it to be honest, although a background in Arts sees me embellish and use unnecessary flourishes to say simple things. You’ll just have to forgive me.

And then there is you: the person who is not me who might be reading this. I invite your feedback whether you want to leave a comment or tweet or reach out to me in your preferred style. You are most welcome too. I would love to say I love criticism. The truth is I hate it and I always want to be right, but I guess I can say I’m wise enough to know that isn’t a good thing. So I will hate you, and then love you. You’re welcome.

The Journeyman

Rookie to Journeyman’?

It’s all a journey and right now as much as I’ve learnt so far I accept that I’m a rookie in this space regardless of any talent. Saying so gives me perspective. It says to me that I’m allowed to learn and make mistakes. It says I shouldn’t get too ahead of myself and over commit whilst under-delivering. It says I have something to prove, and I feel that. But it’s also a declaration.

A genius is not special as a birthright.

In our space there is this thing that we try to quantify, and certainly label, as ‘Genius’. Everybody has to be a rockstar and the smartest person you’ve ever met — or at least that how it seems to me at the time of writing. We hoist these great people up onto pedestals, revere and admire them. But, they are people just like you and I, and I’m not a big fan of X-factors. (Incoming massive generalisation) I believe that if you do the things these Genius’s have done you too can ascend to those ranks. If you listen. If you learn. A genius is not special as a birthright, they made it so. So can you. So can I.

Everybody feels they have a greatness inside of them. This path to me is about really achieving that whilst discovering more about my deeper purpose in the context of this broad and changing field.

Let’s get started. I’m already late!

