I Hate Easy Tasks

I like to do hard stuff, give me more maths homework

Wordsmith Diaries
3 min readMay 24, 2024
Photo by ThisisEngineering on Unsplash

Hello, fellow geniuses!

Do you like simple, easy tasks or do you love to do challenging tasks?

I have noticed that all of us get fed up with easy, simple tasks.

For example, if you give a 5th grader simple sums to solve, he will not be interested in it. Although we think kids want easy homework and subjects, but it would actually bore and frustrate him.

On the other hand, he will love to solve problem that he finds challenging. Problems that get his brain working. He will solve one and then he will want to solve more.

Photo by Dan Cristian Pădureț on Unsplash

Personally, I also love to do tasks that are challenging and mentally stimulating. I am constantly on the hunt for “hard” or challenging things to do.

It is super addictive!

When you solve a challenging problem, for example a difficult maths problem on our own, you get a surge of excitement and happiness. And that feeling leaves you craving for more. You also develop a fascination for things that you don’t understand and things that are hard to do (as per other people).

Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash

We constantly crave mental stimulation. I constantly want that surge of pure excitement and that leads me to do strange things that are mentally challenging.

For example, learning a new language, solving mathematics problems for fun, studying quantum physics, trying to recreate complex paintings, memorizing the whole dictionary, memorizing 100 digits of pi, coding, reading Shakespeare, trying to read books in Arabic, solving the Rubik's cube (which is not stimulating, though) and other puzzles, or basically anything that is challenging and gets my brain working.

Tell me in the comments if you feel the same.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

I find it weird because I used to think that people like easy tasks so they can just relax and be happy. I used to think that people hate difficult things but now I have come to the conclusion that people get bored of easy tasks.

I think that we all love mentally stimulating tasks. Is my observation right or wrong?

I really want to know what you think. Do you want to do easy things and just relax, or do you want to do complex tasks that require you to use your brain?



Wordsmith Diaries

I am a student, an avid reader, and an aspiring wordsmith with a passion for storytelling