Zero to Hero: 5 ChatGPT Prompts To Instantly Learn Anything

Including the template, you can copy.

Anshul Kummar
Technology Hits


Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

I consume information from books, podcasts, newsletters, articles, tweets, courses, and audiobooks.

But then I'm out of breath.

I would read a life-changing article and think, 'Wow, that was extremely useful and could help me improve my life,' only to forget it two seconds after reading it.

This was my life for years — stuck in a cycle of learning something and immediately forgetting it.

I couldn't get out of it.

But then, about half a year ago, a tool you may have heard of called ChatGPT was released.

I started using it to help me learn things, which completely changed my life.

Today, I want to share some of the ChatGPT prompts I've discovered and have been using to help me memorize the stuff I'm learning and want to retain.

Here are 5 ChatGPT prompts to learn things faster.

1. Space Repetition.

This popular study technique involves reviewing information at increasing intervals over time to help it stick in your long-term memory.



Anshul Kummar
Technology Hits

Writer I YouTuber I Productivity Enthusiast I AI & Entrepreneur. Connect with Me: