Autumn in Florida

Bruce Black
1 min readOct 6, 2021


Muhly grass feathering out in our front yard this morning.

Autumn in Florida involves subtle changes in the natural world.

Each evening daylight fades a few minutes earlier.

A cool breeze caresses your skin on morning walks.

And you might notice a different slant of light each morning when you step out the door.

Unlike up north, where the majesty of leaves turning colors at this time of year can take your breath away, Florida’s fall season requires patience and attentiveness to small, almost hidden changes.

Like the sight of Muhly grass beginning to feather out at the tips of each stalk, iridescent in the sunlight, soft as silk.

Not until late December or early January will the sycamores down the street lose their leaves.

Month after month — spring, summer, fall, and winter — the palm trees, like the pines, remain green.

We don’t have the blaze of colors of maples or oaks or birch that I miss up north at this time of year.

But, oh, the Muhly grass!

Its feathery tips are a welcome reminder of autumn’s beauty and the gifts of nature that we can celebrate throughout the year.

