The Education Revolution: Gamification is the future!!

Parth Chand
9 min readOct 15, 2023

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions across the globe invested millions in digitalizing their processes. However, instead of ushering in a positive transformation, this colossal expenditure often yielded little to no improvements, and at times even negative results. This holds especially true in underdeveloped regions, where a lack of awareness and understanding continues to hinder progress in education.

In many third-world nations, the education sector has long been more focused on profit than on delivering value to students, a grim reality that persists due to the pervasive ignorance among the populace and which was only propelled to even larger heights by these million-dollar investments.

However, I believe the emergence of educational games and the gamification of educational processes, particularly in subjects like technology, history, and science, is heralding a new dawn in education. Let’s delve into how gamification may just be the key to inventing the next electricity, especially for these long-ridiculed regions.

Bridging the Digital Chasm: The Educational Digitization Predicament

Amid the global pandemic, educational institutions globally embarked on a frenetic race to digitalize their processes, fueled by the hope that technology would revolutionize education. Millions of dollars were pumped into acquiring digital devices, developing online curricula, and training teachers in digital pedagogy. The world watched with bated breath, expecting a revolutionary transformation of education. However, the outcomes were far from the utopian scenario envisioned.

The Digital Divide Persists: Even in this era of rapid technological advancement, it’s sobering to realize that millions of students, particularly in underprivileged regions, still lack access to basic digital tools. The ‘digital divide’ is a glaring reality. While urban areas may boast state-of-the-art classrooms, there exist remote communities where students have no access to the internet, let alone a tablet or a laptop. This digital inequity underscores the failure of the massive investment in digitization.

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The Urgency of Change: The predicament is not just about inequality in access; it also pertains to the obsolescence of traditional teaching methods. The “pencils and paper” era, while not without its merits, fails to equip students with the digital literacy they need in today’s world. If not now, then when do we address this disparity and modernize education?

The pandemic offered a wake-up call. It underscored the urgency of re-evaluating the education sector’s approach, not just in terms of infrastructure but in the very processes that underpin it. The mantra is no longer about replicating traditional education digitally; it’s about a fundamental transformation that goes beyond replacing textbooks with e-books. Change is necessary, not just in the tools but in the teaching methods, curriculum design, and assessment techniques. A glimpse into the real world exemplifies this need for change. Schools with a ‘business as usual’ approach found their students disengaged, struggling with the transition to digital formats. In contrast, institutions that embraced innovative pedagogies thrived.

It’s imperative to remember that the educational digitization predicament is not just about the divide; it’s about reimagining education itself. As society marches into the digital age, we must ensure that all students have an opportunity to access quality education, enabled by modern technologies, without which many dreams still remain dreams.

The Ignorance Barrier: Unearthing Opportunities

In underdeveloped regions, the lack of awareness and understanding regarding the transformative power of education is a formidable obstacle. It’s not merely about digitizing the learning process; it’s about convincing individuals, families, and communities of the value education holds in shaping a brighter future.

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Raising Awareness Through Un/Conventional Methods: To combat the ignorance barrier, we must employ approaches that grab attention and provoke thought. One such example is from remote villages in India where the “Skills on Wheels” initiative raised awareness about digital literacy and taught employable skills. The program utilizes mobile vans equipped with Wi-Fi, audio-visual facilities, and a generator to provide skill training in areas like welding, plumbing, electrical wiring, food processing, basic healthcare, and mobile repairs. These mobile classrooms attracted people with their novelty, sparking curiosity and facilitating awareness.

There are many different ways to shatter this barrier and one of them is through community engagement initiatives. Local organizations, often run by passionate individuals, can play a pivotal role in organizing awareness campaigns, workshops, and seminars focused on the transformative power of education. The absence of such awareness can often lead to a lack of motivation for pursuing education. In Nigeria, for example, the “Girl Child Network” has been working tirelessly to break cultural norms that discourage girls from attending school. By showcasing success stories and using mentors, they have managed to inspire girls and their families to recognize the transformative potential of education, which is yet again a very different way of raising awareness.

In today’s interconnected world, technology can serve as a powerful catalyst for change. Projects like ‘One Laptop per Child’ have demonstrated the potential of providing access to technology in underprivileged regions. By distributing laptops or tablets loaded with educational content, children can access knowledge that was once beyond their reach.

The Ripple Effect of Education: Changing perceptions about education can have a ripple effect in communities. Once children start to value education, their families are more likely to support them and as these children grow up they gain access to new opportunities and become the catalysts for change in their communities. When children in underprivileged regions start to see the world of knowledge as exciting and accessible, they are more likely to embrace education as a means to improve their future, and by creating an environment that celebrates learning they will be shaping a future where the younger generation aspires to gain knowledge. Gamification can be the second piston to the engine as it enhances and fastens this paradigm shift by fostering a generation that eagerly explores the worlds of technology, history, and science through playful interactions which in turn instills a positive and bright image of education in the mind of the populace.

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Breaking the ignorance barrier in underdeveloped regions is a multifaceted challenge, but it is not insurmountable. Real-world examples illustrate that community engagement, interactive storytelling, and technology are effective ways that combined with gamification and many other approaches can be leveraged to awaken individuals to the transformative power of education. It’s a transformation that can ripple through generations, ensuring that education is no longer an unattainable dream but an achievable reality.

The Educational Revolution: The Power of Gamified Learning

In the realm of education, a powerful revolution is underway, and its catalyst is educational games. These games have surged in popularity, reshaping the way we teach and approach curriculum-based learning. The essence of their success lies in their accessibility and remarkable ability to captivate learners. Games like Civilization and Minecraft(also LMS like TakeCharge and apps like Duolingo) are at the forefront of this revolution, designed with simplicity in mind making them easy to understand for people of all ages.

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What truly sets such games apart is their unparalleled engagement factor. It has been long proven that when learners are captivated by the learning process, their capacity to absorb and retain knowledge soars the charts. These games are able to create an environment of active participation and problem-solving which nurtures critical thinking skills and enhances overall comprehension. Traditional methods often feel cumbersome and intimidating, but these games break down complex subjects into manageable, engaging components. Take, for instance, Minecraft’s “Education Edition,” which has enabled students to explore and build virtual worlds while gaining knowledge in subjects like physics, history, and coding, and provides teachers a platform to curate content that excites the students. Furthermore, the world of gamified learning is an uncharted territory brimming with potential. Innovations in this field are boundless, with extensive research on technologies like augmented reality (AR) and immersive virtual reality (VR) experiences, Who knows what the future of education even looks like?

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Educational games offer an exciting path for transforming education, especially in developing regions since most of these games aren’t heavily reliant on the standard of technology but rather just the availability of it. As these games continue to evolve and diversify, they promise to make learning an enjoyable journey that fosters profound understanding, nurtures critical thinking, and accelerates knowledge acquisition. The educational revolution is here, and I believe it’s gamified.

Gamification: The gateway and key to innovation

This isn’t just a game; it’s a catalyst for change, a gateway to opportunity, and a journey toward a brighter, more educated world. The charm of games, the thrill of discovery, and the joy of learning have converged to revolutionize the way we teach and learn creating what we call Gamification, and it doesn’t merely promise progress; it delivers it with a dynamic enthusiasm that transcends borders and overcomes adversity. Gamification is not confined to a particular age set; it extends its influence into the processes of learning, offering a transformative approach to the whole education system. Traditionally, subjects like mathematics, economics, and complex sciences are approached with trepidation due to their perceived difficulty and monotony, a view very prevalent in the underprivileged areas of the globe.

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Through gamification, these subjects can instead become engaging challenges where students are encouraged to explore and apply their knowledge in practical scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of the concepts. This approach not only improves comprehension and retention but also nurtures critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Younger generations in third-world countries who might have previously disengaged from traditional educational methods may find solace in these game-based approaches as these are usually easy to understand, less time-consuming, and very engaging. The allure of gamification is not just its capacity to make learning enjoyable but also the impacts of such a system on the mindset of the masses towards education and learning.

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This approach may encourage students to willingly invest time and effort, not just to pass exams but to genuinely understand and appreciate these subjects.

Whether it’s building historical civilizations in a game like Civilization or exploring programming concepts in the immersive world of Minecraft, gamification makes the process of learning exciting and interactive. It taps into the innate human desire for fun, adventure, achievement, and victory. Consequently, it paves the way for a more informed and technologically savvy population, especially in regions where the digital divide isn’t the major problem rather it’s the ignorance barrier(many developing economies are in this category including the likes of China, India, Indonesia, etc.). Furthermore, this can stimulate innovation in traditionally rigid and structured academic fields. Focusing on not just learning facts but rather learning how to use these facts to create and innovate, gamification brings about a huge paradigm shift which is not just beneficial for individual students but also for the nations they belong to. It positions these nations to compete on the global stage by producing graduates with a broader and more adaptable skill set. By embracing this new approach to education with open arms, third-world countries can evolve and produce students who create a dynamic force that propels nations forward.

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Gamification can be thus classified as a key to new innovations and with the continuous efforts to bridge the digital divide, I believe we are provided with a roadmap for transforming education from a distant dream into a thrilling adventure for the masses. It’s an approach that celebrates understanding over memorization, and in doing so, ignites the flames of ingenuity that will illuminate the future. As we navigate this ever-changing landscape of education, one truth remains constant: gamification is not just a ray of hope but a beacon of transformation. It holds the power to unlock a brighter future for underprivileged nations, for our children, and for the world.

So, let us embrace this power with open hands and embark on a remarkable journey of transformation. The future is waiting, and who knows the next light bulb may just be around the gamify corner.

Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

