Should You Quit? 5 tips to stay motivated

Pierre Geinoz
3 min readNov 15, 2017


Like everyone, there are days where I feel down. I don’t feel like working, I don’t feel like going out of the house. I don’t feel like eating healthy. I just don’t feel like it. Like anything.

With experience, I started to realize my pattern. I would be super pumped up for many days in a row, I was motivated, I was focused and I was getting my shit done. But then I was waking a day and I didn’t want to do anything.

Once I realized that, I came up with strategies to stay motivated all the time. Here is my top 5.

1. Listen to music that is motivating

It seems ridiculous, but I have a playlist ready to be played whenever I feel down or tired. Most people know this, however very few have a playlist ready in those situations. If you don’t have yours already, do it NOW. Not after reading the article. NOW

2. Watch motivation speakers

It seems funny when you think about it because I am myself a motivational speaker. However, I am not flawless and whenever I just don’t feel like it, I go and watch some Gary Vee videos to pump myself back up. Or some Dan Pena videos as well. The guy is high on life.

3. Sleep

I noticed that I got more motivation out of a good night of sleep than waking up tired because I grinded the night before. When that happens, I make sure I go back to bed for another hour or so to rest the best I can. Sleep deprivation has a huge impact on my motivation and for most of the people I know.

4. Eat healthy

Some people don’t believe me when I say that food has an impact on motivation. They think I’m crazy. However, studies proved that fast food actually make people lazier. The fast food is for lazy people and it makes them lazier after eating it. I’m not saying that once in a while a good McDonalds is bad, I’m saying eating it often is bad not only on your body but on your mind as well.

5. Train

What motivates me more than anything is my active lifestyle. When I go to the gym, I just let everything out and I crush the weights. Putting so much effort physically helps me to get my brain ready for thinking after. It brings equilibrium in my life because once I trained, I know I’m ready to work again.

The important lesson from that article is not the tips and tricks I give but rather to have prepared solution whenever you feel down. If you feel sad, get your solutions ready to make you feel happy. If you are angry, get your solutions to calm you down.

You got to think that to every problem there is a solution. Not the other way around.

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