How a family-run garage service does Work for Good

Work for Good
3 min readOct 8, 2018


“Business is tough, time consuming and in some cases gruelling just to make the numbers right. But making a pledge to give something back, knowing you are making a difference to someone, somewhere puts those efforts into perspective. And it doesn’t go unnoticed.”

Barry Parker took some time out to tell us why BTE Automotive chooses Work for Good to help them fund life-changing charity work, and the difference it’s made to their business, too.

Tell us a bit about BTE Automotive

BTE Automotive is a family-owned complete garage service that has been operating for 28 years. We aim to offer the best possible complete automotive service — and as independent Automotive Specialists we’re also proud to create all our own marketing materials, including our website and social media. Our reputation is in our own hands, which means that contributing to improving lives an important part of business.

Why did you choose to sign up with Work for Good?

I have been a fan of the Work for Good concept since I first heard about them. We want to ensure our business promotes a good image, and this is a motivating factor for joining the platform. Most importantly, it means our employees and clients can see the positive impact of their work and patronage.

How does BTE Automotive give with Work for Good?

BTE Automotive pledge to donate a nominal sum for each of the nearly 2,000 MOTs tests we complete each year. It works much better than our previous fundraising initiatives as it is structured, easy to monitor and engages every person connected with our business operations.

How does the rest of the team get involved?

Every two months, employees of BTE Automotive discuss the available charities through the Work for Good platform and make a group decision on who we will support next. We are extremely proud to provide donations to ‘children-specific’ charities.

When we shared our first six months’ donation totals with our employees, they were genuinely taken aback by both the amount we have contributed and how easily they had been part of the process — without ‘digging deep’ from personal funds.

How does Work for Good benefit your business?

We have engaged with clients in person and our social media networks, with some great feedback and an increase in our public profile. It also makes me, and the rest of the team, feel so happy to know we are making a difference to the lives of vulnerable young people.

What would you say to other small and medium-sized businesses who want to give to charity, but don’t want the hassle that goes with it?

Since joining Work for Good at the start of 2018, we’ve given over £1,000 to charities close to our hearts — and it couldn’t have been easier. We know that Work for Good will take care of the hard work, including showcasing the results on social media and beyond, so all we have to do is carry on with business as usual.

Thank you Barry! If you’d like to find out more about Work for Good please do get in touch.



Work for Good

A fundraising platform which helps small businesses donate to charity through their sales #workforgood