Clean water, food and medical supplies are urgently needed — donate through your business

Work for Good
3 min readAug 19, 2020


Here in the UK, we have all made unprecedented sacrifices to protect each other and save lives. And we have witnessed the tireless dedication of staff in our amazing NHS.

Elsewhere, millions of lives are at stake as Covid-19 hits refugee camps and communities affected by conflict and violence in places such as Yemen, Syria and South Sudan. In countries where there is no NHS; refugees and families who are trying to protect themselves from violence and hunger, need our help.

Please take a moment to imagine that you have lost your home, your livelihood, fled your country in order to protect your family, and now you face a deadly new threat. These places do not have sufficient supplies to treat those who fall ill, little access to clean water and PPE to protect medical staff is scarce.

Densely populated refugee camps like the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh are one and a half times more densely populated than New York City — social distancing is impossible.

When large-scale disasters hit countries without the capacity to respond, the Disasters Emergency Committee brings together 14 leading UK aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently. Their mission is to save, protect, and rebuild lives through effective humanitarian response.

As we have seen in the UK, simple measures can make a huge difference. If we act now to protect millions of vulnerable refugees and displaced people, many lives can be saved.

They need your help to:

  • provide families with clean water, soap and information on keeping themselves safe;
  • provide frontline medical and aid workers with equipment and supplies to care for the vulnerable and sick; and
  • ensure families get enough food to prevent malnutrition, particularly children.

Work for Good is proud to be supporting the DEC Coronavirus Appeal and we are encouraging small businesses to join the campaign by donating through the sales of your products or services.

  • £30 could provide six displaced families with enough soap for a month
  • £50 could provide essential hygiene kits to two families
  • £100 could provide basic PPE for one frontline health worker for four months

As lockdown lifts here, people around the world need our help. If you can, please do support those who are experiencing unimaginable hardship. For these people, Covid-19 is likely to be even more deadly than it has been here at home.

Please donate now

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Work for Good

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