How an executive search firm works for good

Work for Good
2 min readNov 16, 2017


Andrew Stoneham-Knott

We talked to Andrew Stoneham-Knott, partner at Work For Good member Miramar, to find out how giving makes a difference to their business.

Please tell us a bit about your business

Miramar is a global executive search and advisory firm. We work with businesses around the world to identify and acquire the most qualified individuals for executive leadership positions in many sectors including industrial, technology, consumer and private equity.

How do Miramar work for good?

We are supporting Future for Heroes through donations made through Work for Good. We also offer in-kind support through mentoring and provided bespoke search for a new trustee for the charity.

Why does Work for Good appeal to you?

We liked the concept of ‘doing good with what you do’, deploying our professional expertise to give back is highly effective. Work for Good also offers transparency to us as donors and to the charities who receive vital funding. We are drawn to innovative, fresh ideas and want to support these initiatives because they are principles we practice daily in our business.

Why did you choose to support Future for Heroes?

We understand the challenges of career transition, as we often source executive talent for our clients from sectors adjacent to, but outside their networks. Future for Heroes supports people challenged by the transition from military service back to the civilian workplace.

As the charity scales up to meet increasing demand, its board of Trustees seeks to complement the current team by reaching into other networks. Our search has opened up new talent pools for the charity, which links with their aim to attract additional sources of funding and engagement

How does giving benefit your business?

We are in the fortunate position of being able to give something back, and doing so gives us great satisfaction. It strengthens our team and our clients’ positive experiences with Miramar and means Future for Heroes can grow to deliver their crucial work. It’s a win-win!

If you’d like to find out more about Work for Good could help your business, please get in touch.



Work for Good

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