How the team got behind giving at RS Sales

Work for Good
2 min readNov 9, 2017


It’s great to work for a company that supports good causes”. That’s how the team at RS Sales felt when they got behind an autumn promotion which pledged money to support WaterAid. We talked to Mark Hayfield, Senior Marketing Executive, to find out more.

Tell us a little about RS Sales

RS are specialists in the wholesale supply of Business Supplies or Goods Not for Resale to the petrol forecourt, convenience and food retail markets.

How did RS Sales choose to give?

We pledged to give a percentage of the sales from our annual autumn promotion to WaterAid. We chose WaterAid as we were all inspired by the incredible work they do to transform lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation.

Why did you give through Work for Good?

It is surprisingly difficult for a business to give directly to a charity, much more complicated than giving as an individual. This is primarily driven by obligations arising from the Charities Act, and HMRC tax rules.

Work for Good acts as an intermediary providing us with a hassle free platform through which we can donate to WaterAid in a few easy clicks. The website is very informative and friendly. And customer service has also been great, the team there are genuinely passionate about making the world a better place, and that shines through

How was the team involved?

We got the team involved in choosing which charity to support. As one team member reports “We were delighted to be consulted about the charity that RS Sales wished to support. It helped to increase team morale and it was great to feel that we were making a difference.”

What next for RS Sales?

We are fully aware of how donations, however big or small, to charities, can help change the lives of people less fortunate than us so we are committed to run this promotion every year.

What the charity says:

“We are regularly approached by companies looking to support us, but due to various legal and practical considerations it is not always possible to deal directly with smaller businesses. We are delighted that it is now easy for RS Sales and others to support us.” WaterAid

If you’d like to find out more about Work for Good please do get in touch!

“The money we raise from businesses each year helps us to provide critical clean water to millions of people globally” WaterAid. Image c. Abigail Keenan



Work for Good

A fundraising platform which helps small businesses donate to charity through their sales #workforgood