Best Project Management Software Workfront | Workfront

Work Front
3 min readJan 4, 2018


Project management is defined it in the context of the actual work that has to be done. Project management involves predicting and projecting, hopefully with as much accuracy as is possible, or required. Factors include the project’s time, cost and scope at completion, and then acceptance of reality, then influencing current and future activities to meet those predictions and projections.

Best Project Management Software Workfront

Predicting and projecting are key parts of the project manager’s job. There needs to be a road map; if they don’t know where they’re going, any path will get there. Project managers make predictions about time, cost and scope, predictions that they then try to meet.

Accepting reality means knowing exactly where a project is at any given time — where it actually is, not where it should be or want it to be. It is the project manager’s job to know what the project’s status is at all times. It can become easy to deny or downplay issues, to be convinced that things aren’t that far off track. Project managers are human, too.

However, denying reality doesn’t change it, and ignoring whatever the issue is won’t make tit go away. A PM can’t make corrections and choose the corrective activities to get back on track unless they are honest about where they really are and what’s really going happening. Only then can they influence future activities to steer the project to the result that your predictions and projections dictate. When you want the Best Project Management Software Workfront has it.

Influencing current and future activities starts with a strong understanding of reality. PM’s need to identify the gaps between where they are now and where you thought they would be at any point in the project’s timeline, and where they need to be and when. If all they did was say when they would finish the project, then they would have no idea where they were should be at any given time during the life of the project.

By using s proper plan, they will be able to use specific leverage points to positively affect the discrepancy between where they thought they would be and where they really are.. This is how you influence future activities to achieve predictions.

If a project manager needs to catch up on a project’s timeline, they can put additional resources to specific responsibilities on the critical path to shorten the timeline. They could adjust planned consecutive tasks so they are done at the same time.

All three of these factors are interconnected and define what project management means. Just think about what it is that you actually need to do.

Management a project means keeping a lot balls in the air at the same time. Using the best tools to do that takes a lot of stress out of it. When looking for the Best Project Management Software Workfront should be at the top of list.



Work Front

Award winning project management software helps you manage projects in one place. A cloud-based work management tool for marketing and IT teams.