3 min readJan 19, 2018

The Cryptocurrency Freelancing Platform: (WFB)

Within the cryptocurrency market, businesses and hirers want to find talented freelancers and pay them in cryptocurrencies. In the same way, freelancers want to work for cryptocurrencies. However, there has been a problem connecting the two communities together.

WorkingForBitcoins (WFB) resolves this issue permanently by seamlessly connecting the two sides of the market. The vision of the team is to create a platform that will enable hirers and freelancers to do business online.

How does WorkingForBitcoins solve the problem?

WFB resolves the issues faced by the market by:

  1. Connecting businesses and freelancers from across the world.
  2. Supporting multiple cryptocurrencies (BTC, EPC, ETH, LTC).
  3. Focusing on the development of its community.

So far, this has helped the team at WFB stay focused on what is important to the crypto community and improve its platform. For example, most recently, we decided to support Ethereum, Experiencecoin, and Litecoin. The suggestion was made by members of the crypto community.

What features do we have?

We focus on developing features that will make the interaction between hirers and freelancers seamless, such as:

  • Posting Jobs: Hirers can easily post jobs and provide the necessary details and skills required to complete the job.
  • Searching & Bidding for Jobs: Freelancers can search and bid for jobs based on their skill sets. This helps freelancers get hired quickly.
  • Internal Messaging System: Hirers and freelancers can message each other internally to efficiently work together.
  • Community: After a project is completed, members of the community can rate each other. This helps to build a strong and trust-based community.
  • Support: The team at WFB is always open to answering questions, receiving feedback, and getting advice from community members.

What is next for WorkingForBitcoins?

We are trying to grow and develop the platform. Currently, we are working on two main projects in line:

  • Escrow Account: We are working to create an escrow account to make it safer and easier for hirers and freelancers to do business.
  • Growth & Marketing: We are looking to exponentially grow the number of businesses and hirers using the platform.

Who are the team members?

Right now, there are two individuals working on this platform, Milad and Chris. They work on managing, developing, marketing, and supporting the platform. As more users join, we look forward to hiring more people. Hopefully, that day will be soon.

You can read our bios on our website.

Everything makes sense. Why else should I use it?

In 2008, Bitcoin was invented. In 2011, Litecoin was introduced. Five years later, Ethereum was proposed. The cryptocurrency market has been evolving rapidly and doing an amazing job improving upon its technology. However, the usage of the currency within the global market has been slow.

We believe that if people globally started to accept cryptocurrencies as compensation for their labor, the usage of cryptocurrency on a daily basis will increase exponentially. This is extremely important in developing a sustainable currency market.

WFB is a freelancing platform that naturally increases the usage of cryptocurrencies between members of the society. Thus, the platform and its community members are also helping create a sustainable cryptocurrency market.


We hope this gives you a good summary of what the team is trying to accomplish and where they are headed. It is a pretty big task. We hope you join our platform to either hire freelancers, get hired, or simply support us.

If you have any suggestions, questions, or advice, please feel free to reach out to me. We are always looking for new ideas, especially in regards to getting more users on board.

In the meantime, make sure to join our site and utilize it on a daily basis. Your support will be greatly appreciated!


Freelancing platform that supports cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin. Ethereum. Litecoin. Visit us at