10 Proven Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary to ESL Students

worklife english
3 min readJan 9, 2023


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Teaching vocabulary to English as a Second Language (ESL) students can be a challenging task, as it requires finding creative and effective ways to help students learn and retain new words. However, there are several proven strategies teachers can use to make vocabulary learning more efficient and engaging for their students.

Use authentic materials: Instead of relying solely on traditional vocabulary lists and textbook definitions, try incorporating authentic materials such as news articles, podcasts, and videos into your lessons. These materials provide real-life examples of how new vocabulary words are used in context, which can help students better understand their meanings and how to use them appropriately.

Create interactive activities: Hands-on activities and games can be a fun and effective way to teach vocabulary to ESL students. For example, you could create a matching game using vocabulary flashcards or have students work in small groups to create quizzes using the new words they have learned.

Incorporate visual aids: Visual aids such as pictures, diagrams, and graphic organizers can be beneficial in teaching vocabulary to English language learners. These tools can provide a concrete representation of the meaning of a new word, which can be especially useful for visual learners.

Encourage student-generated examples: Asking students to develop their examples of how to use new vocabulary words in sentences can help them internalize the meanings and use of these words. This can also be a good opportunity for students to practice using the words in context.

Utilize an ESL grammar book and worksheets: An ESL grammar book and accompanying worksheets can help reinforce vocabulary learning. These materials often include exercises and activities designed to help students practice using new words in context.

Encourage vocabulary journaling: Encourage students to keep a vocabulary journal in which they write down new words they encounter, along with their definitions and examples of how they can be used. This practice can help students review and reinforce their understanding of new vocabulary.

Use realia: Realia refers to physical objects that can be used to teach vocabulary. For example, if you teach the language for different types of clothing, you could bring in a selection of clothes for students to see and touch. This can help students better understand and remember the meaning of new words.

Incorporate technology: Some various online tools and resources can help teach vocabulary to ESL students. For example, you could use interactive quizzes and games or have students create their digital flashcards using a tool like Quizlet.

Utilize word associations: Helping students make connections between new vocabulary words and words they already know can be a helpful strategy for reinforcing learning. For example, if you are teaching the word “formidable,” you could have students think of other words that have a similar meaning, such as “intimidating” or “daunting.”

Practice, practice, practice: As with any skill, practice is critical in learning vocabulary. Please encourage your students to regularly review and practice the new words they have learned individually or through class activities and games.

By using a combination of these strategies, teachers can effectively teach vocabulary to their ESL students and help them improve their overall English language skills.

