Beyond Conflict: Unveiling The Power of Self-Acknowledgement and Patience

Anas Mohammed
2 min readJul 24, 2023


In the dance of life, conflict often steps onto the stage, stealing the limelight. It manifests itself in countless ways, from personal internal struggles to societal discord. Amidst the tumult, we often find ourselves entangled in the conflict, losing sight of the broader picture. But what if we’ve been looking at conflict from the wrong angle? What if the key to unlocking conflict resolution lies not in focusing on the conflict itself, but on understanding ourselves and embracing patience?

The Mirror of Conflict

Conflicts, in all their forms, serve as mirrors, reflecting our desires, fears, insecurities, and needs. When we get angry, frustrated, or hurt, it often reveals more about us than about the conflict itself. Thus, shifting our focus from the conflict to our responses offers us a pathway to navigate the labyrinth of discord. By acknowledging our reactions, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our internal landscapes.

Patience: The Unsung Hero

Resolution is not a destination reached in haste. Like a seed turning into a sapling, then a towering tree, it’s a process that requires patience. Each conflict is an opportunity to evolve, to grow, and to understand — but these transformations do not happen overnight. They need time and nurturing. Patience, therefore, is an unsung hero in the journey of conflict resolution.

Acknowledgement: The First Step

When a conflict arises, our first instinct is often to win, to overcome the ‘adversary’. However, this combative approach usually escalates the conflict. Instead, acknowledging the existence of conflict and viewing it as a problem to solve, not a battle to win, can be a game-changer. Acknowledgement doesn’t mean surrender; it’s a conscious recognition of the situation, setting the stage for constructive dialogue and resolution.

Unraveling the Self

So, where do we start? The answer lies within us. Understanding ourselves — our triggers, our reactions, our emotions — is paramount. When we understand what fuels our responses to conflict, we are better equipped to manage these reactions, communicate our needs effectively, and empathize with others’ viewpoints.

Embracing the Flow

Imagine viewing conflict not as a disruptive storm, but as a flowing river — a part of the landscape of life. It has its currents, its twists and turns, but it’s navigable. By focusing on understanding ourselves, by acknowledging the conflict, and by embracing patience, we can learn to steer our boat skillfully, turning turbulent waters into opportunities for growth and understanding.

Remember, in the grand theatre of life, we are not mere spectators in the face of conflict. We are the actors, the directors, and the playwrights. By understanding ourselves and embracing patience, we have the power to transform the narrative of conflict into a tale of growth, understanding, and harmony.



Anas Mohammed

A curious explorer at heart and a lifelong learner, I share my insights and adventures through my writing, seeking to inspire thought and fuel exploration.