How to Start Thinking in English

Marina Mogilko
6 min readJan 13, 2020


Thinking in your own language stops you from becoming proficient in the language you’re studying. You tend to speak more slowly, translating words and phrases in your head. Unfortunately, it cannot happen overnight. But it also won’t happen if you do not work on your comprehension and do not try to develop specific language skills. How can you start thinking in English or another foreign language? Follow all the steps in this article.

1. Dive into the Language Environment

Travel to the country of the language you’re studying and stay there as long as you can. You can go as a tourist, but then there is a high probability that you won’t communicate with locals a lot and will meet other people speaking your native language. Instead, try to go for a language course or camp. There, you will be surrounded by other students from all over the world with the same comprehension level and desire to practice the language more. It will boost your studies and give you the opportunity to switch to your studied language for the whole duration of your trip.

The first time I ever thought in English was during my language course in the UK. After staying there for a couple of weeks, I was communicating solely in English for the whole day, everyday. So by the evening, it was second nature to read the menus and chat with classmates in English. I went to bed thinking in English and a few weeks later, woke up thinking in English. It was a huge transition. My speaking skills improved significantly after that point.

If you are not sure how to choose a good language program abroad, try There are thousands of language schools all over the world. For example, if you want to master English, you can choose between courses in the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, Malta, Ireland and so many more. The best part? You can find the course that matches your personal study goals and interests, focusing more on speaking, exam preparation, or specific topics. Moreover, at you can also book your accommodation. Plus, their specialists are happy to help with any paperwork and visas for your course.

2. Read in English

Books, magazines, news, social media, — try to read in English as much as possible. While it may feel less efficient and take more time at first, it will help you to boost your vocabulary, pick up the phrases and idioms, and process the language faster.

Many big book stores and online retailers offer you an opportunity to find books and magazines in foreign languages. However, the best way to get a few books for further practice is to buy them during your trip to the country.

Not ready for a big change? Start with small steps by signing up to a couple of news media and email lists in English. This way, you will introduce language practice into your daily routine and make it a habit.

3. Switch Your Entertainment into English

Another way to introduce daily language practice is to switch one of your hobbies or entertainments completely into English. Are you watching a popular American or British series? Start to watch it in English and use subtitles to help yourself understand the accents. Do you listen to a podcast on your way to school or work? Choose the one in your studied language. Don’t forget to regulate the speed if you feel that the hosts are speaking too fast and you cannot understand it at the normal pace.

Another simple way to encounter the foreign language daily is to subscribe to foreign media and celebrities in your social media. Follow the key newspapers and local versions of glossy magazines you like in Instagram to read the news in your studied language. Find a couple of interesting YouTube bloggers who speak your chosen language and watch their new videos wherever they are released. It won’t take much time but will help you a lot with developing language skills and learning to process information in the chosen language out of the class.

4. Learn New Information in English

To avoid translating the terms from your mother tongue to the studied language, try to explore some new topics in the foreign language straight away. This step is especially important for those who plan to live abroad or work in an international company with foreign colleagues.

Let’s say you are planning to move to the USA and take out home insurance there. Instead of researching this question in your own language, try to explore it in English. Then, it will be easier for you to communicate with bank or insurance agents in the USA. You will know all the terms and expressions and it will come to you naturally.

Working with the new information this way, you will not only learn the words, but whole new concepts. Your brain spends less time on translating and correlating them in two languages. As a result, you can read, speak, and write about these concepts more fluently.

5. Use English-to-English dictionaries

When we encounter new words or phrases, we often turn to a dictionary or translator to find their meaning in our own language. Instead, try to find their definition and explore them in English. This way, you will better understand the new term and related words and expressions. It will be easier for you to process the information this way and help to eliminate unnecessary translation in your mind when reading or speaking in English.

6. Switch Gadgets and Apps into English

While you’re surrounded by your own language everywhere, you can build your environment using the studied language. Try to switch your smartphone, computer and other gadgets into English. Use apps in English: to-do lists, calendars, notes — everything can be done in English.

It may take longer in the beginning, but over time, you will feel confident with your daily vocabulary and these actions will become automatic. Eventually, you will end up thinking about them in English, as they are done and written in English. It will be the first step to switching your whole thinking to another language.

7. Write Your Diary in English

Many of us had our little diaries in childhood, where we noted all the things that happened with us during the day. It’s very helpful to have the same diary or journal in English or your studied language. Doing this exercise every day, you will learn the essential vocabulary to describe your normal activities and be able to fluently speak about your work, hobbies, friends, etc.

8. Write Down the Lyrics of Your Favourite Songs

Do it while listening to the song. Do not check the text before you are finished, leave gaps if necessary. It helps a lot with listening skills and makes you re-discover your favourite music. After doing this exercise a few times with different artists, you will soon notice that you are actually better at understanding the songs in English and pay more attention to lyrics. This is an easy but efficient step towards thinking in English.

Final notes

Remember: consistency is the key. Even if you decide to take it slowly and do just one thing a day, you should not give up after a week or two. Use an activity tracker to manage yourself and stay motivated with your daily practice (by the way, it can also help with introducing other healthy habits, e.g. gym visits and drinking more water). Introduce different techniques gradually and switch more and more parts of your life to the foreign language you’re learning. One day, you will start thinking in this language eventually and it will be the most important step towards becoming fluent in it.



Marina Mogilko

Co-founder of and and YouTube-blogger (Linguamarina & Silicon Valley Girl)