Best Traders to Follow on Twitter

Bad :: Kitty :: 💹
9 min readMar 22, 2019


Here is a constantly updated rundown of the best stock, forex, crypto traders to follow on Twitter. They all added to my trading experience with outstanding insights and tips, I hope they can add value to your trading skills too 😘

Update June 28 2019:


Living legends with a PROVEN record of making millions in the market. These guys are a guarantee in a sea of fake gurus.

🔷 @DanZanger — Dan Zanger is the World Record Holder Top Swing Trader. This beast turned $10,775 to over $18,000,000 during the parabolic move of the bubble. Dan trades in the style of William O’Neil, the legendary author of “How to Make Money in Stocks” and founder of Investor’s Business Daily. Check the book, check Dan, build a solid Technical Analysis foundation before getting too “creative”.

🔷 @markminervini — Mark Minervini is the author of “Trade Like A Stock Market Wizard” and “Think & Trade Like a Champion” (amazing books, read them!) and, most importantly, he’s one of the best traders of all time. Again, before following the magic trading system of “@yoloCryptoGuruMagic599”, and jumping from system to system in search of a magic holy grail (that doesn’t exist), follow and learn from people that have a proven record (and put their name and face out there).

Advanced Technical Analysis: Classic Charting

Excellent classic Technical Analysis

🔷 @RedDogT3 — Extremely transparent classic TA from the team at T3Live, they’ve been around for centuries, they know what they’re doing. Very balanced analysis based on price levels for day-trading stocks and indices. It doesn’t get much better than this if you want to day-trade.

🔷 @traderstewie — As solid as they come, a pattern trader with a lot of experience and great teaching skills. Honest, skilled, transparent and very calm (so he can help you a lot also in the trading psychology department): one of the best choices especially if you’re new to trading and need guidance. He’s not flashing lambo dreams, just some great cooking recipes now and then. Higly recommended.

🔷 @alphatrends — Brian Shannon, author of “Technical Analysis Using Multiple Timeframes”, one of the pioneers in Multi-Timeframe analysis and market phases. Often copied by fake gurus that specialize in re-naming patterns to sell them as their own, please go directly to the source and save yourself some pain + money. Living Legend.

🔷 @FusionptCapital — Experience matters. A LOT. Sure, you can be a “natural” (barely/rarely), but experience makes all the difference in navigating the market. Great technical analysis, charts and a lot of funny tweets, mainly mocking the usual mistakes that newbie traders make (for example, picking a generational top every 3 days, or doing TA on the VIX, we’ve all been there :))).

🔷 @commander10 Another great follow keeping it clean, simple, and effective. When you have some experience, less is more. The more you clog your charts with indicators, the more your newbiness is showing. Less is more. He’s going with less, and the more is surely showing.

🔷 @MysteryTrader99 — great clean charts with traditional classical patterns, outstanding accuracy on major markets and sectors turning points. If you love charts, you’ll love him.

Advance Technical Analysis: Specialty Kings

Technical Analysis focused on a specific system such as Elliot Waves, Demand and Supply, Volume Studies, Fibonacci ratios etc…

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DeMark Traders

Tom DeMark brought several innovations in the trading world. Most known for his 9–13 counts, but there’s a lot more to discover.

🔷 @TommyThornton Demark counts with a focus on the broader market environment = what the heck do you need more.

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Elliot Wave Traders

Elliot Wave is an extremely complex discipline. Be very careful: EW attracts a lot of traders, but 99% of people preaching the method are just wave slappers that will get you rekt. These ones, instead, are extremely good:

🔷 @SmartContracter is changing my mind on Elliot Waves (and that’s something, I thought the quickest way to become a millionaire was starting as a billionaire and apply EW)

🔷 @WyckoffOnCrypto — Wyckoff analysis for Crypto, imagine that. Extremely transparent in his process, and, most of all, turning points in Crypto probably call him before proceeding. Amazing accuracy, if you want to swing trade the best crypto pairs, following him, and, if you follow him and still lose money, seek medical attention.

🔷 @AviGilburt He doesn’t tweet a lot (and that’s a shame), but you can find his analysis all over the Internet. A master of the craft that also added some personal elements to it, absolute must follow both to learn the ropes and to discover some advanced EW concepts.

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Short Side Traders

So you’re feeling bold and you want to short uhm? Think again…this is an extremely difficult route that only few can master.

🔷 @team3dstocks one of the few demonstrations that you can be a permabear and a great trader at the same time. His feed is literally an advanced TA goldmine, focused on volume analysis.

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Fibonacci Traders

I’m not a fan personally (I’m more a fan of the “random line theory”) but there are some traders that found a way to use Fibonacci levels effectively (vs flip-coining them).

🔷 @Fibonacciqueen — multi-timeframe Fibonacci cluster analysis for both price and time to nail potential reversal points. Carolyn is one of the most known technical analysts out there.

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Demand and Supply Traders

One of the most effective trading method, very suitable both for beginners and people with limited time. This is one of the simplest yet most important discipline you can learn to decipher the markets.

🔷 @TraderSimon very experienced demand and supply trader. I suggest you do his course on Udemy and follow him on Twitter. Basic demand and supply often doesn’t cut it, that’s why Simon added some advanced concepts that can make the system much more reliable.

🔷 @korinek_trades Great demand and supply trading, no fluff, imho exceptional resources for new traders.

Forex Traders

So you feel like a ledge and want to compete in the most difficult market out there, playing heads up with JPMorgan and the Squid? I would suggest a psych evaluation first, but, if you like the challenge, make sure you follow:

🔷 @Trader_Dante One of the pioneers in trading education (most of the PA furus you follow probably stole at least some of his concepts and re-branded them), he’s also one of the most entertaining accounts on #FinTwit. His brilliant communication style allows him to educate on the most important, non-sexy concepts (keeping a journal, calculating R, waiting for setups, evaluating your pshyc) while keeping it always fun. Basically, he sneaks in the steak while joking on the sizzling. Absolute ledge.

Market Veterans

Despite what Crypto traders that have been trading for 6 months and offer a paid sub will tell you, trading experience matters. It’s not guaranteed that you’re a good trader only because you’ve been in the game since the mesozoic, but it’s guaranteed you’re a bad one if you’ve been trading for less than SEVERAL years. Follow this experienced guys to get to know why nuances in trading do make a difference.

🔷 @jedimarkus77 recovering former CME member, he mainly trades stock index futures with a good dose of sarcasm. In trading, little things matter a lot and often go unnoticed in favor of BS “secret” indicators, but if you’re serious about trading professionally, you have to follow people like him and find small gems hidden between the lines.

🔷 @KASDad worked in Wall Street back in ’65 and it shows. Always balanced, he keeps it simple and effective. No secret recipes or flashy calls, just a lot of knowledge and the strong psychology of someone who’s been there, done that.

Master Scalpers

Traders that scalp the heck out of it.WARNING: scalping is extremely hard, an art all by itself, almost a completely different discipline. Don’t think “more trades = more money”.

🔷 @PaxTrader777 very experienced, down to earth, passionated, gives a boatload of info for free and he’s very focused on helping new traders. I don’t know what you can ask more. One of those rare fintwit gems you should absolutely follow.

🔷 @Dope_Trades If you didn’t do his course and think you’re doing TA you’re just fooling yourself. One of the most advanced TA course out there, put in a simple, straightforward way. Extremely good if you want to learn advanced scalping concepts to apply on Futures. Rated R as Rude AF.

Crypto Traders

If you’re into TA and making money (you should be), crypto can be an extremely remunerative asset. The space is flooded 99% by scammers with 3 years trading experience holding global conferences from their moms’ basements, so the competition is much, MUCH lower than in traditional markets (you can clearly see that in the charts). The 1% left is top-notch and should be followed also by non-crypto traders for their great insights.

🔷 @SatoshiFlipper The terror of all the crypto furus out there, spewing for free info that your paid leader probably doesn’t even know. Focused on big caps with an extremely practical, effective, no-nonsense approach. In a space filled with noise and charts with 783 indicators (just to be sure), a safe port and a great follow.

🔷 @majinsayan ‏ Absolute madman, one of the most entertaining crypto trader out there, and he’s also a solid demand and supply trader. Crypto twitter needs this kind of anti-BS accounts (given the obvious flood of furus that makes the classic fintwit look like Harward). Gems such as “Someone managing 400 million in bitcoin be like: uh-oh the rsi is overbought, time to marketsell” are well worth a follow.

🔷 CryptoGainz Keeping it simple because he’s not stupid, he offers both great insights and some great indicators (I know, almost unbelievable) for free (I know, almost unbelievable). Great follow, he keeps it funny, interesting and useful at all times.

Macro + TA

Traders that mix Macroeconomics with Technical Analysis

🔷 @CiovaccoCapital — Data, data and some more data. Balanced research very appreciated by experienced traders, and for a good reason. Good research and objective data always beats the flood of gut instinct opinions that you find on most Twitter accounts.

🔷 @HenrikZeberg — rare mix of macro and technical analysis based on EW. The macro side + inter-market analysis (exposed in an extremely clear way for non-experts) is core skill to pin-point turning points in various markets, and few traders really have it.

🔷 @SamanthaLaDuc — another great mix of macro and technical analysis. An account to follow if you’re interested in the underlying behavior (Macro, Fundamental, Intermarket and Technical side) of global markets.

Trader Psychology and Risk Management

Best account to follow for trading psychology tips

🔷 @prrobbins constantly dropping bombs of wisdom, and not the usual corny ones…

Star Entertainers

Let’s be real, trading is a stressful job. These people offer constant laughs with their sarcastic market commentary, they’re truly a life savior even in the direst market environments

🔷 @RampCapitalLLC — can words really describe him? A legend. Also a serious investors, but we don’t care about that 😂 Also look for his dad dropping bombs on the latest momo stocks.

🔷 @CryptoCred he’s probably also a very good trader, but I don’t care and it’s a difficult thing to evaluate while pissing your pants anyway. These guys are the real reason many experienced traders stick to twitter, they make it fun and extremely entertaining for everybody.

🔷 @RudyHavenstein — Now, if I have to tell you what this man is doing, the reality is I have no idea. I just know that I keep spitting my coffee everywhere 3–4 times a day. Also one of the smartest critics of the current economic system, but always in a way that lets you spit your coffee.

🔷 @inversebrah No idea how this account was born, but it’s genius and the most tagged on Crypto Twitter. If someone says something trading-related stupid (that happens more or less once every 5 seconds on Twitter), you’ll find it collected here. Probably THE must follow if there ever was a must follow out there.

🔷 @OddStats + @UncleRico77 the most entertaining couple (yes, they’re together in real life, even if OddStats allegedly offers escort services) on #FinTwit. I put them together because their backs and forths are comedy gold. Make sure you have them in your feed before they get banned.

🔷 @Hipster_Trader I really don’t know how you can come up with something extremely smart and funny every half and hour, but he does.


You suck at trading and need a steady monthly salary? What’s better than selling a subscription to a bunch of noobs? #FurusGoneWild

🔷 @shadownomics now banned from Twitter, this scammer has a wide cult following (like every scammer). Simple market phases as described millenium before him, this is the perfect example of why you should study the classics or everybody with a good dose of charisma will take advantage of you in this pool of sharks of #Fintwit furus.

🔷 @I_Am_ICT scammers are easy to recognize. Just look for a cult following and you found one. This master FURU (we’re talking about heavyweights here) spend the day A) telling you he’s the son of God B) selling you Wyckoff springs and utads like he created them out during his father’s creation of earth. All reashed classic TA with a changed name. He also claims “I intentionally misguide you so you don’t get the whole system”. I got the whole system. All reashed classic TA with a changed name.



Bad :: Kitty :: 💹

Swing Trader. Mostly $SPY $QQQ and #stocks. Please send memes. Opinions are my cat's.