How much does IVF cost in Saudi Arabia?

4 min readDec 7, 2023


The IVF cost in Saudi Arabia can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the location of the patient, the fertility clinic, the specific procedures involved, and any additional treatments or medications required by the patient. The IVF treatment cost in Dubai for one IVF cycle can range from $4000 to $4500 or more.

It is important to note that the cost may not include medications, pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT), embryo freezing or other additional procedures that could add to the overall cost. However, suppose couples visit World Fertility Services for IVF treatment. In that case, they will receive a convenient package deal and various ways to pay their fertility bills that help couples make the IVF price in Saudi Arabia more manageable.

It is recommended that you consult with fertility clinics near your location in Saudi Arabia to get specific and up-to-date information on the pricing structure, as costs may vary and may vary between clinics. Additionally, couples can check with their insurance provider to see if they partially or fully cover the IVF process under their plan. IVF costs and insurance coverage can vary widely, so it’s important to gather detailed information from both the clinic and the insurance provider.

How do experts at World Fertility Services in Saudi Arabia perform IVF?

IVF is a complex technology of assisted reproduction that involves several steps. Here are the following steps of the IVF process done by experts:

1. Ovulation stimulation: In this step of IVF, the woman undergoes hormonal drugs that stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs. Experts monitor the development of follicles using blood tests and ultrasound.

2. Egg retrieval: Once the eggs have reached maturity, the specialist will perform a minor surgical procedure to retrieve the eggs from the ovaries. The experts perform egg retrieval under ultrasound guidance.

3. Sperm collection: The male partner will provide a sperm sample at the IVF laboratory on the same day as the egg collection. If there are problems with sperm quality, the specialist will use donor sperm.

4. Fertilization: The eggs and sperm that are obtained are combined in the laboratory for fertilization. Experts carry out fertilization either by traditional insemination, i.e., placing the sperm directly into the eggs, or by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), when a single sperm is injected directly into the egg.

5. Embryo cultivation: Fertilized eggs are cultured in a special incubator for several days, and experts will monitor the development and quality of the embryos.

6. Embryo transfer: The specialist transfers one or more healthy embryos into the woman’s uterus using ultrasound guidance.

7. Support of the luteal phase: Hormonal drugs such as progesterone are given to support the lining of the uterus of the woman and to support the implantation of the embryo.

8. Pregnancy test: The specialist will do a blood test 10 to 14 days after the embryo transfer to determine if the woman is pregnant.

9. Cryopreservation (if applicable): Any remaining good-quality embryos that have not been transferred can be cryopreserved by clinical professionals for future use by the couple.

Careful monitoring and adjustments are made during the IVF process based on individual responses to medication and treatment progress. The specific details of the IVF process may vary depending on the clinic, patient history and individual circumstances. The success rate of IVF can also be affected by various factors, including the woman’s age, the cause of the infertility, and general health.

How much does IUI cost in Saudi Arabia at World Fertility Services?

The IUI cost in Saudi Arabia at World Fertility Services depends on several factors, including location, any additional tests or medications required, and whether couples have insurance coverage for infertility treatment.

On average, the cost of IUI in Saudi Arabia for one cycle can range from $300 to $1,000, excluding medication costs. Couples must keep in mind that they may need multiple cycles of IUI to achieve a successful pregnancy. If fertility drugs are prescribed as part of treatment, couples will also need to consider their cost, which can range from a few hundred to more than a thousand dollars per cycle.


World Fertility Services is the best clinic for people who want to have a child through reproductive medical procedures. The professionals at this clinic strive to offer the best infertility treatment to people around the world without compromising on the quality of treatment. Fertility specialists will ensure that they give 100% to achieve a successful outcome for the procedure they have performed. The experts at this clinic will not rest until they maximize the chances of conception by minimizing the IVF cost in Saudi Arabia.

Anyone who visits World Fertility Service in Saudi Arabia gets the best services under one roof, saving couples a lot of energy, time and money. The professionals at this clinic use the latest and advanced technology to solve infertility problems. This is why people travel to Dubai in large numbers for fertility treatment because of the highest success rate, affordable fertility treatment, educated and skilled professionals, first-class services, etc.

People who want to have a baby through fertility procedures must visit World Fertility Service, a renowned fertility clinic, for the best services.

