Varicocele and its Impact on Male Infertility: Causes & Symptoms

World Infertility & IVF Centre
3 min readOct 26, 2023


Varicocele and its Impact on Male Infertility: Causes & Symptoms

Varicocele is a relatively common condition that affects the male reproductive system. It is identified by the growth of veins in the scrotum which may lead to various health issues, such as male infertility. In this blog, we will examine the varicocele in depth as well as the causes and symptoms of it, and diagnosis and the impact upon male fertility. We will also dive into the various treatment options for varicocele, and their effectiveness in dealing with male infertility.

Understanding Varicocele:
Varicoceles occur when veins of the scrotum get expanded and dilate. To understand the causes of varicocele better it’s important to understand how the reproductive organs of male’s work. Testicles are located inside the scrotum and require a temperature that is slightly lower than the other organs for the best sperm production. To keep the temperature at a lower the testicular arteries transport cool blood to the testicles. Meanwhile, the pampiniform plexus of veins carries warm blood out. If these veins grow larger and do not function as they should and result in an enlarged varicocele.

Causes of Varicocele:
The exact reason for varicocele’s development isn’t yet fully understood, but there are many hypotheses and risks connected to the development of varicocele. They include:
Genetics: There is evidence to suggest that genetics may play a role in the development of varicoceles. If someone has a family history of varicoceles, they might be at greater chance of developing the condition for himself.
Valve Incompetence: The valves within the veins which stop blood flow backwards could be weak or defective for those suffering from varicoceles. This could result in blood collecting in the veins, which causes them to expand.
Obstruction: Some researchers believe that an obstruction in the renal vein (the vein that carries blood from the kidney) can lead to increased pressure in the testicular veins, resulting in varicocele.
Blood Flow Abnormalities: Variations in the blood flow patterns through the veins in your testicular area could be a contributing factor to the formation of varicoceles.
Hormonal Influence: Hormonal elements have been linked to the formation of varicocele. The changes in hormone levels could influence blood vessels and cause the conditions.

Symptoms of Varicocele:
Varicoceles tend to develop slowly and don’t cause any noticeable symptoms. Many men might not be aware of having the condition until it is found in a routine physical exam or when they seek an evaluation for fertility concerns. However, in certain instances varicoceles can cause different symptoms, such as:
Dull Ache or Pain: Most people with varicoceles experience a mild to moderate pain or discomfort in their scrotum. The pain may worsen with exercising or sitting for a long time and may improve upon lying down.
Swelling: Swelling, or a lump within the scrotum can be seen or felt, particularly when standing. The swelling usually feels like a worm’s bag.
Atrophy: In certain cases a varicocele could cause atrophy of the testicle (shrinkage) but it is a rare occurrence.
It is important to remember that not all men suffering from varicoceles have symptoms. Likewise, being devoid of any symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean that the condition is not harmful. If it’s symptomatic or not the presence of a varicocele could affect the male fertility.


Varicocele is a very common condition that has a substantial impact on the fertility of males. While not all males with varicoceles experience issues with fertility but the condition can alter the delicate balance of temperature in the scrotum, causing hormonal imbalances, and can reduce the quality of sperm. This is why varicocele is thought to be one of the most treatable causes of male infertility.

If you think that you have a varicocele or have had a symptoms and are worried regarding your reproductive health, it’s essential to talk with an IVF Doctor.

Varicocele treatment could give you the chance to increase fertility, however its efficacy differs from person to.

If you are struggling with infertility, seeking advice from Best IVF centre in Delhi, is the first step towards understanding the options available and making informed decisions regarding their reproductive health.



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