Viking names for boys and girls you’ll love

3 min readMay 11, 2020

Choosing a name for the baby can be a difficult task considering the many options we have. In recent years it seems to be necessary to choose original boy’s or girl’s names , and among the most wanted we have to mention the Nordic names. Let’s see then, what are the best Viking names for boys and girls that you will surely love.

It may be because of that tendency to look for names that escape those that are more traditional, or it may also be due to the influence of series like Vikings , but the truth is that Nordic names are in fashion, so if you want to know some of the best, keep reading because you may finally find the name you were looking for for your son or daughter.

Viking names for boys and girls you’ll love

The Nordic or Scandinavian languages include many variations and dialects such as Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish or Icelandic. Within the category of Norse names are the names of gods and heroes belonging to Norse mythology, as well as the ancient Vikings, so we are going to see what Viking names we can choose for our children.

Viking names for girls

Among the Nordic names for girls there are options like Helga , who in her Spanish form would be Olga, which means “saint”, which in metaphorical form would indicate that she is a pure and innocent woman, who opts for spiritual perfection and goodness.

Sansa is another of the Norse or Viking names that we can choose. This is a name of Swedish origin that means “to settle down” and that is very fashionable nowadays.

Other Viking names would be: Eyra , which corresponds to the Scandinavian goddess of health and which means “euphoric”; Freya , with its variants like Freia, Freiah, Fraja, Fraya, Frayah or Freja, which correspond to the goddess of love; or Kaira , which means “peaceful”.

Other Viking names include Astrid , which means “rare beauty and strength” and has variants like Astri, Astra, Astride, Estrid or Astryr; Valeska or Valesca, which means “glorious queen” and is the Scandinavian version of Valeria; or Liv, which means “life.”

Viking names for boys

If you are looking for a Viking name for a boy, Axel is a common name in the Nordic countries and means “ax, weapon of war”.

Igor , despite being a traditional Russian name, comes from the Scandinavian Ingvarr , which is made up of the fertility god Ing and Harja, which means “warrior”.

Other Norse and Viking names for children are Björn , which means “pronounced man” or Eskol , which means “wolf chasing the moon to devour it.”

And among the Nordic names that specifically have a Viking origin are: Odin , who is the god of wisdom, the main god of Norse mythology, and means “fury, emotion, inspiration”; Einar , with its variants Einarr or Einer, which means “war leader”; or Hans , whose variants are Hansi, Hannes or Han, which means “God was charming”.

Read Popular Nordic Surnames

