All About The Green Revolution By Indira : Impacts and Path Ahead

2 min readFeb 23, 2017


All About The Green Revolution By Indira : Impacts and Path Ahead

The Green Revolution in India was certainly one of the very important pieces of Indira’s radical programme in the mid and so late sixties. In the later on years of Nehru’s final term and all through the Shastri interregnum, agricultural reform shifted from institutional as well as structural reform of land use and possession, to a number of different technological improvements.

Among the most important of such was the introduction of hybrid, high-yielding varieties of seeds for wheat and rice. These crops augmented manufacturing dramatically, specifically in Punjab, Haryana together with Uttar Pradesh.

Indira Gandhi, The Iron Lady Of India made the Green Revolution a key government top priority and in addition to the new hybrid seeds, started state subsidies, the provision of electrical power, water, fertilisers and credit to farmers. Agricultural income was not taxable.

The outcome was that India managed to become self-sufficient in food — a heartfelt aim for Indira after American President Johnson’s erratic and condition-laden food aid. Go through all the explicit necessary information regarding the milestones from Indira’s life that imprinted the beginning of a great India here:

The government investment in agriculture also went up sharply. The institutional finance made available to agriculture doubled between 1968 and 1973. Simultaneously, public investment, institutional credit, remunerative prices and the availability of the new technology at reduced prices was also delivered.

This increased the profitability of private investment by farmers and consequently the overall gross investment capital formation in agriculture proceeded at a a lot faster rate. To know all the outcomes of this revolutionary move, visit:

