Don’t Wish Trump Dead (No Matter How Much You Hate Him)

Matt Gross
4 min readNov 25, 2019

True justice demands the president be appropriately punished for his acts—and the death penalty would let him off easy.

Back when I was a kid, growing up in Western Massachusetts, my little brother and I did not always get along. To this day, I do not know what it was, but we fought, physically and verbally, for years and years. (We also played together happily a lot, too.) My parents dealt with this as best they could, and I don’t actually remember them interfering in our battles, except for in certain cases—when I’d lose my temper and yell at my brother: “Shut up!”

In our house, “Shut up!” was verboten. You could argue, you could scream (though we’d rather you didn’t), but you could not deny the other person their voice, their right to argue and scream back (though still, can you keep your voice down?). Better to have it out, for better and for worse, than to let one side think he can simply cut the other off.

Today, my brother and I get along better, but this lesson has stuck with me, and feels ever more apt in the Trump era. Here’s what I mean:

For the last three years, I’ve been hearing and reading people wishing for Donald Trump’s death. In person, occasionally, but more often on Facebook and other social media. To some extent, this is understandable: He is a terrible



Matt Gross

Restless & hungry. Writing about travel, food, parenting, and culture all over the place.