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Coming to America: A Timeless Cultural Blend That Transcends Generations.

Chuka Ojini
5 min readJul 11, 2023

Coming to America, the classic comedy film released in 1988, remains a cultural landmark that artfully blends different cultures and challenges stereotypes. Directed by John Landis and starring Eddie Murphy, the movie tells the story of Prince Akeem of Zamunda, who travels to Queens, New York, to find true love and experience life outside his pampered royal existence. Beyond its comedic brilliance, Coming to America captures the immigrant experience, celebrates African culture, breaks stereotypes, entertains audiences, and leaves a lasting impact on pop culture. In this article, we will explore how this film, over three decades old, continues to resonate with audiences and provide a cultural blend that remains relevant today.

Capturing the Immigrant Experience

From Zamunda to Queens: Cultural Contrasts

The movie revolves around the stark cultural contrasts between Zamunda, a fictional African utopia, and Queens, a diverse melting pot of cultures. In Zamunda, we are introduced to a vibrant world filled with rich traditions, extravagant lifestyles, and a close-knit community. The royal family of Zamunda represents African royalty with dignity, showcasing their heritage and customs. On the other hand, Queens represents the bustling streets of New York City, where various ethnic communities coexist and contribute to the vibrant tapestry of American culture.

Zamunda: A Fictional African Utopia

Zamunda is portrayed as a utopian African kingdom, drawing inspiration from various African cultures. The movie pays homage to African traditions, emphasizing the importance of family, respect for elders, and traditional ceremonies. It presents an idyllic portrayal of African royalty, highlighting the opulence and grandeur associated with the African continent.

Queens: A Melting Pot of Cultures

In stark contrast, Queens represents the reality of the immigrant experience in America. The film showcases the challenges and opportunities faced by immigrants as they navigate a new culture. Queens is depicted as a vibrant neighborhood that embraces diversity, with characters from different ethnic backgrounds contributing to the colorful fabric of the community.

A Celebration of African Culture

Coming to America goes beyond contrasting cultures; it celebrates African culture in all its beauty and diversity.

Traditional Customs and Practices

The movie pays meticulous attention to traditional African customs and practices. From the royal ceremonies to the intricate rituals, viewers get a glimpse into the richness of African heritage. By showcasing these customs, the film aims to educate and create awareness about the diversity of African cultures.

African Fashion and Style

Another aspect that adds to the celebration of African culture is the stunning fashion and style showcased throughout the movie. From the elaborate royal garments of Zamunda to the vibrant African-inspired outfits worn by characters in Queens, the film highlights the beauty and intricacy of African fashion. This representation is empowering and challenges the notion of Western fashion dominance.

Breaking Stereotypes and Challenging Perceptions

Coming to America breaks stereotypes associated with Africa and challenges preconceived notions.

Portraying African Royalty and Wealth

In mainstream media, Africa has often been portrayed through a narrow lens, emphasizing poverty and deprivation. However, Coming to America presents an alternative narrative by showcasing African royalty and wealth. Zamunda challenges the stereotype by presenting a prosperous African kingdom, where opulence and sophistication are the norm. This portrayal highlights the diversity and complexity of Africa, debunking simplistic stereotypes.

Empowering Female Characters

The film also empowers female characters, defying traditional gender roles and stereotypes.

The Strong Women of Zamunda

Zamunda boasts strong and influential women who hold positions of power within the royal family. Queen Aoleon, played by Madge Sinclair, is portrayed as a wise and influential figure, providing guidance to her son, Prince Akeem. Princess Imani, played by Vanessa Bell Calloway, challenges traditional expectations of subservience, displaying her independence and strength.

Empowering African Women in Queens

In Queens, the film showcases strong African women who have embraced their independence and contributed to their community. Characters like Lisa McDowell, played by Shari Headley, and her sister Patrice McDowell, played by Allison Dean, embody the strength, intelligence, and resilience of African women.

Humor and Entertainment

Coming to America blends cultural insights with humor and provides endless entertainment value.

Cultural Humor and Cross-Cultural Jokes

The movie cleverly uses humor to highlight the cultural differences between Zamunda and Queens. Language barriers, misunderstandings, and clashes between traditions and modernity serve as a source of comedic relief. Through these cross-cultural jokes, the film encourages viewers to laugh, appreciate, and find common ground in our diverse world.

Memorable Characters and Iconic Moments

One of the film’s greatest strengths lies in its memorable characters and iconic moments that have become embedded in pop culture.

Eddie Murphy’s Comedic Brilliance

Eddie Murphy’s portrayal of multiple characters, including Prince Akeem, Saul, and Randy Watson, showcases his comedic brilliance. His ability to seamlessly transition between roles adds depth and entertainment value to the movie. Murphy’s performances have left an indelible mark on audiences, making Coming to America an enduring comedy classic.

Building Lasting Pop Culture References

Coming to America has given rise to numerous pop culture references that have stood the test of time. Quotes like “I believe the children are our future” and “Sexual Chocolate” have become iconic phrases, referenced in various forms of media and everyday conversations. These references ensure the film’s place in pop culture history and its continued relevance.

Impact on Pop Culture and Future Generations

Coming to America’s impact extends beyond its initial release, inspiring future generations and paving the way for representation in the film industry.

The Legacy of Coming to America

The film’s success opened doors for more diverse representation in Hollywood. It paved the way for films that celebrate African culture and showcased a broader range of stories. Coming to America challenged industry norms and demonstrated the viability and profitability of diverse narratives.

Paving the Way for Representation

Coming to America’s positive reception and enduring popularity have encouraged filmmakers to explore and embrace stories that celebrate culture and diversity. The film’s success has proven that audiences are hungry for authentic and inclusive storytelling.

Inspiring a New Generation of Filmmakers

Coming to America has inspired a new generation of filmmakers, actors, and comedians. Its impact on popular culture has influenced aspiring creatives, motivating them to pursue their dreams and contribute their unique perspectives to the world of entertainment.


Coming to America, the 1988 comedy film, continues to be a cultural blend that captivates audiences with its humor, celebration of African culture, and challenge of stereotypes. The movie skillfully captures the immigrant experience, highlights cultural contrasts, empowers female characters, entertains with memorable moments, and leaves a lasting impact on pop culture. Coming to America’s enduring popularity and influence have inspired future generations and paved the way for more diverse representation in the film industry. As we revisit this beloved classic, we appreciate its ability to bring cultures together and remind us of the power of storytelling.

ps: My number 1 film of all time!



Chuka Ojini

Random Knowledge Dude from Machine Learning to Mozart's Mom.