Chatting with Gambit, Winner of the $5,000 Legendary Prize

World of Ether
5 min readSep 29, 2018

World of Ether is fully live! Play now:

Beta is well underway, and we couldn’t be more satisfied with the 1st Etherian Discovery Contest.

For those who didn’t see, we gave $10,000 in ETH prizes out to players of our free public Beta, which opened 9/22.

Prizes were given to anybody who “discovered” an Etherian, that is- the first person to hatch an Etherian species.

The Legendary Etherian, Ashbringer, in the Beta had a bounty of $5,000 on its head, and was discovered by Gambit, who was kind enough to do an interview with us below!

Gambit, thanks for doing this, we’re very excited for you! We first want to know, where are you from? How’d you hear of us, and when did you hear of us?

Thank you, I’m very excited too!

I’m from France, I first heard of your game thanks to a Bitcointalk thread talking about the release of the public beta and the bounty challenge.

I’m very interested in cryptocurrencies and all the various applications blockchain has, so I often go to Bitcointalk to keep myself updated about novelties. I found this WoE thread by accident and was interested first by the reward, then by the game which looked fun. It was around the 20th of September, 2 days before beta launch and I eagerly waited for the release since reading the thread.

How long were you playing before getting the Legendary? Did you think you had a chance?

I started playing a few hours after the launch, when I woke up; I would have loved to start playing at the release time, but that was 6 AM in France and there’s no chance of me waking up at this time Saturday morning, lol!

I thought I had a chance to discover some monsters, but ended up having very little time to play because I was out for the weekend with friends. Friends come first, especially before games; but I took every chance I had to spend a few minutes playing and understanding the game. My friends called me a geek, but obviously I do not regret it.

So I really started going hard when I got home Sunday. At this time 39 monsters were discovered and I didn’t think I had a chance at discovering the last one. I was a little bit disappointed, but I decided to keep on playing to test the game because I liked it. Still, I was frequently checking the Woedex to see if someone found the Legendary, hoping it would somehow be me.

So tell us, how did you feel when you hatched your egg and saw the Legendary inside? What went through your mind?

I was breeding monsters like a crazy, first crossing common with common, then uncommon with uncommon, then rare with rare, trying same species of monster and different ones, trying to see the effects of crystals, trying to understand the mechanics of the game… Each time I had a new rare (for me) I checked to see if it was the #40 monster, but by the time I got the legendary, I had stopped checking and just kept going.

So I was eagerly playing, with many tabs of the game open, refreshing them frequently, until I refreshed the Woedex tab and saw Ashbringer had been discovered!

The first 2–3 seconds after that, I felt disappointed, thinking, “Oh damn, someone discovered it!” Then I saw my nickname.

I stood still for a few seconds, I didn’t believe it. I refreshed the tab again, my nickname was still there…

“Is this a bug?” I thought, “I can’t be this lucky!”

I doubled back and looked through my collection and took screenshots to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, lol.

So what’s your day to day life like?

I’m currently unemployed (doing small jobs whenever I have the chance), so I have a lot of free time to spend on my computer, trying to find opportunities, and sometimes playing games.

This $5,000 is really unexpected, but will help a lot to improve my daily living. I also intend to keep a part of it to invest in cryptos (not sure which yet, I have to do research), and another part will be kept until the main release of World of Ether. I intend to keep playing and I really can’t wait for the final release!

Do you play video games regularly, and how do you think a game like World of Ether compares to what you’re used to?

…I used to play a lot! I’m 34 years old and I started about 30 years ago on an Atari 2600 with games like Pong and Space Invaders; think I can’t be more old school than that. Until 2000, I played a lot on video game consoles, I had all Nintendo consoles until the release of the PS1 and then kept on getting PlayStation game systems.

In the early 2000s I had my first computer so I also started playing on it, mainly for FPS and MMORPG games.

So I used to play a lot! But for the last few years I played less. I have a PS4, and have only been using it for Netflix.

Still, I always have a few games on my cell phone for when I want to unwind.

Recently I started looking at crypto related games and I think there’s a lot of potential in them! WoE is the first one I started to play because I liked that I could get in during Beta and see the development of it, and I think games like this in which players can participate in development will be popular. The bounty reward was appealing too! ;)

From what I see so far, World of Ether is a fantastic game with a lot of potential and I can’t wait to see the future developments of it and the final release.

For now, first, I wasn’t able to participate in battles and I’m eagerly awaiting for this next step in Beta.

Thanks Gambit! Any last things you want to say?

I would like to thank all the WoE staff for their great work so far and the opportunity. I wish you all success.

Good luck!

Into the World

Join Gambit, and all the other players in the ongoing Beta and then in the Mainnet launch soon after.

For those who missed the contest, there will be another one with a brand new set of awards.

Make sure to join the community in Discord and Telegram, and follow WoE on Twitter for announcements about this new contest and the launch of the World of Ether Mainnet version.

We’ll see you soon!



World of Ether

A decentralized universe on the Ethereum blockchain. Welcome to the World of Ether.