The Case of the La Pampa Police Officer

An officer from La Pampa Police, Corporal Sergio Pucheta, claimed to have been abducted by humanoids with red eyes who communicated with him telepathically.

The Unexplained Files
6 min readJun 3, 2024

In March 2006, the newspapers in Argentina were buzzing with news of an extraordinary event. An officer from La Pampa Police, Corporal Sergio Pucheta, claimed to have been abducted by humanoids with red eyes who communicated with him telepathically. Before disappearing, Pucheta had radioed his base and reported that there was something strange he needed to investigate in a place called “cruce de las reeds,” which was about 20 kilometers southeast of General Pico. When his colleagues arrived at his position, they discovered that Pucheta was missing, and his motorcycle, helmet, handle, service weapon, and part of his uniform had been left behind.

All police units launched an intense search, and it lasted for about 18 hours until a rural producer discovered Pucheta huddled in a ditch about 20 kilometers away from where he had left his motorcycle and other items. He was in a palpable state of shock but had no physical injuries. Pucheta recounted a strange version of events, claiming he had been contacted by two short beings with red eyes who telepathically gave him orders. He also said that he…

