World Race Alumni Testimonial | Rashidat Odeyemi

World Race
2 min readAug 29, 2019


World Race Alumni Testimonial — Rashidat Odeyemi

“I wanted to go on the World Race because I had spent twelve years in a corporate job in a cubicle, doing the same thing day after day, and it was boring and it wasn’t fulfilling and so I asked God to give me big dreams. I wanted to do something different with my life but I had no idea what it would be if I were to leave the job that I was in. So, when He gave me the impression to do the World Race, that was my prayer, that He would open my mind to see things bigger than what I’ve seen so far and give me dreams to pursue once I finished the Race.

I was transformed on the Race by actually having my prayer answered. So many of us pray prayers, bold prayers to God, and we don’t know if He’s going to answer, especially when I ask something so broad. But He showed up and provided. I had a journal that I started in month four that I just filled pages and pages, with everything from wanting to get married to cutting off all my hair again, to starting a mission and never going back to my corporate job again.

I started working after I came home from being on the field and I really believe that was the next for me but He’s actually said “Hey, I need you to stop coming back to the thing that you asked me to take you out of. You asked me to give you dreams so let’s live those out.” And that is exactly where I am today. He’s taking me on another crazy adventure journey to go start a missional business. While I have no idea what that looks like, He is again answering my dreams and helping me to put one foot in front of the other towards that dream. He has most definitely answered prayer in a way that I never could have imagined.

My name is Rashidat Odeyemi and I am a World Racer.



World Race

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