A device capable of ‘seeing’ and ‘feeling’ a novel coronavirus has been discovered

3 min readApr 21, 2020

A device capable of ‘seeing’ and ‘feeling’ a novel nerve coronavirus discovered; Which is claimed to be able to prevent the spread of this virus.

The Swiss researchers, who discovered the “biosense” that warns of exposure to the coronavirus, recently made the claim, according to a Swissinfo report.

The device can detect the corona separately by RNA diagnosis of each virus. It can also distinguish one virus from another.

The device was developed by a joint research team from the Swiss Federal Laboratory for Materials Science and Technology and the Zurich Federal Institute of Technology. They have also shown that the corona can be accurately identified with this device.

This ‘biosense’ can be used in populated areas like hospitals or train stations. This will make it easier to determine if the coroner is present in the air in that area. At the moment, however, the device is not in a state of widespread use.

Authorities said in a statement that the device needed further development to be fully operational. Only then will it be usable.

Coronavirus can also spread through the air. That’s what researchers at the University of Nebraska in the United States said. They said the corona…




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