To buy or not to buy: how the sharing economy works

World Wi-Fi
3 min readOct 12, 2018


The phrase sharing economy came into use not very long time ago, but every day sounds more and more often. Why did people like to share and what will happen in the future? Let’s try to understand.

What is the «sharing economy» ?

The concept of sharing economy involves renting out unused cars, houses, bicycles, equipment and other objects. With the increasing popularity of this service, many people do not need to buy what they can rent from others.

How it works?

Imagine a situation. You have a drill that just lays on the shelf. Once upon a time you drilled a wall, but it was only once. And somewhere there is a person who needs this drill as soon as possible-also drill one hole in the wall. Will you lend me the instrument? Most likely, Yes. Similarly, the work of the company that supports the sharing economy.

Sharing economy in action.

Companies engaged in sharing economy, every day became more and more. Car sharing, rental housing, joint travel — they are all at the hearing of everyone, but, oddly enough, not everyone thinks that this model is called joint consumption. This is how well-known Uber, BlaBlaCar, AirBnB and other companies work.

Why is it convenient?

The first and most important thing — you can earn on what you own, but do not use. It is very simple: to take fellow travelers on a long trip, rent a room or an apartment for a vacation or to borrow a hockey stick for a couple of days. Similarly, you can use other people significantly faster, because you can buy a product for one time will not have to.

What’s next?

Limited to, whether collaborative consumption-only property? Hardly, because in the 21st century the most valuable commodity is information. And it is increasingly taken from the Internet.

Let’s say you have a Wi-Fi router at home.

How often do you use it? Most likely, short time morning and evening, and all the while, the router just is, and you are out. That is, you pay for the Internet, which you practically do not use.

What if you could give away Wi-Fi and make money on it?

This is possible today with the World Wi-Fi project. If you want to earn passive income and earn cryptocurrency for ad impressions, let the Wi-Fi network work for you. Create an open access point, distribute the Internet and continue to do their business — every connection to your network will be profitable.

The World Wi-Fi project has its own token — WeToken (WT), presented on the IDAX exchange. The accumulated tokens can, if desired, be exchanged for another cryptocurrency or Fiat money on the crypto exchange. The blockchain platform makes all financial transactions transparent and easy to understand.

The sharing economy is reaching a new level. Are you ready?

