Wormhole3 Ver0.2 BETA is open now

3 min readOct 8, 2022


On October 8th, Wormhole3 Ver0.2 Beta launched. We have update some new features, and we encourage everyone to participate in it.

Beta Website:https://alpha.wormhole3.io/

Beta for Steem users:https://steem.wormhole3.io

Register tutorial: How to start the Wormhole3?

New Features

Tip with Tweet

  1. Click the 【Tweet action tips】

2. Click the 【Go tweet】below the 【Tip STEEM/SBD to a twitter account】

3. Fill in the amount of the token and the recipient’s twitter account

4. Post the tweet and you will be completing the tipping process

Referrer Feature

  1. Click the【Referrer】and copy the link

2. Share the referrer link.

3. New users can according your referrer link to register the Wormhole3 account

Curation tutorial

  1. Sign in the testnet of Wormhole3:https://alpha.wormhole3.io/, create a curation.

Method 1: Click the upper right corner menu bar, click 【Curation】 — 【Create Curation】

Method 2: Click the personal homepage and click 【Curation】 — 【Create Curation】

2. Fill in the curation title, schedule, and description

3. Connect the Wallet, set up the【Max reward users】and the amount of the bounty pool, and then click the 【Submit】

Tips: How to get test coin T-USDT?

Connect MetaMask and import the private key into the web3 wallet. Click 【Get Test Currency】

4. Please check your curation details, click the【Confirm】

5. You create curation successful, then you can click【Go tweet】

6. You can edit your Tweet, and publish your curation.

You can invite your friends to sign up for Wormhole3 and join the curation, and you will both receive rewards.




Hello, this is Wormhole3, a magic that links Web2 and Web3.