Dombivli Fast is an aggressive commentary on the wrath of common people on wrong-doings, corruption, and injustice. This flick is a major success for both Marathi and regional films of India. Dombivli Fast was selected for many International Film Festivals and also won an award for the Best Regional Film in Marathi category. Nishikant Kamat directed this movie reflecting harsh but true realities in contemporary Mumbai. Amazing performances and cutthroat editing of the movie builds just the right mood for Dombivli Fast.

The opening sequence itself catches your attention and absorbs you in the movie. It beautifully showcases the struggles and mundane, repetitive patterns of a lower-middle-class person who travels by a Dombivli Fast local to CST. Such crafty editing requires a professional’s hand and Amit Pawar has done a fabulous work.

The story revolves around a lower middle-class guy, Madhav Apte (played by Sandeep Kulkarni) who travels from Dombivli to Fort by an over-bustled Dombivli fast local train. Now Madhav is a man of principles and his blood boils every time he sees any injustice or wrong-doing. His wife Alka (played by Shilpa Tulaskar) is always complaining about his attitude of strong principles. Madhav keeps coming across corrupt people and unfair activities in his compulsively routined day. He keeps putting away his rage and exercises hesitation to launch an outrage. All that until one day after he gets in an argument with his wife regarding his principles, Alka makes a statement saying that his proud principles and morals are only of use if they suffice to bring about a change in society. Alka’s statement travels deep within Madhav’s soul and this ignites his fuse.

Madhav snatches a cricket bat from the nearby kids and bashes a cold drink store because the shopkeeper won’t return the extra Rs.2 he claims he charged as ‘refrigerator charges’. It begins from there. He beats down a bike parked in ‘No Parking’ with the same cricket bat. Madhav hunts for any wrongdoing in the city to rain his tremendous rage on. Things start to get out of hands when he carries a knife and stabs a politician in his region for misusing the water. Sandeep Kulkarni has carried Madhav Apte’s violent but fair character with immense intensity. I even loved the acting of Shilpa Tulaskar displaying agony in the knowledge of her husband’s actions.

The flip side of the story is of the Police department trying to hunt down Madhav Apte for his violent acts around the city. The movie also empathizes on the struggles of a Police department of India and possible reasons as to why might policemen take bribes. Salaries of these hardworking Police force are so low as compared to the sacrifices and efforts they put in, taking bribes starts seeming like a solution to even honest of the men. Scenes with the dialogues of Head of Police are prolonged. These scenes break the tension in the movie, which disconnects the viewer from the original story.

Madhav’s wrath is challenged by an old man in the hospital after he tries to help his aged wife in getting admitted in the hospital by pointing a gun at the doctor. Old man’s wife denies his help and claims him to be a bad person. To this, the old man adds that Madhav’s initiative is right but his way of execution is wrong. This ends the rampage of Madhav to deal with all the corrupt people in the city with aggression. But it’s too late till then as the orders to eliminate Madhav Apte are already given to the Head of Police. The climax scene in the train unfurls a sad ending with a pin-prick to the heart when Madhav says to the officer after he takes a bullet, “Officer, Ayushya Gela Itha Chouthya Seat Var Basun. Jara Khidkit Basu?” (Officer, entire life was spent sitting on the fourth seat…can I sit by the window?)

How much should an honest man endure? How many times should injustice, corruption, cruelty and addictions be tolerated and ignored? Is it worth it to step up and crash the greedy and cruel? Dombivli Fast asks many such questions as it touches and relates to every Mumbaikar of every class. This movie is a punch in the face of wrongful things that keep happening around the city. Dombivli Fast has just the perfect cinematography when it comes to tension building for a film like this. Lead cast has done a killer job playing their characters wonderfully. Dombivli Fast resides in the hearts of all the people who travel daily by train and do an honest day’s work. Movie’s aggression and sharp portrayal are supremely thought-provoking. Dombivli Fast should be re-released in today’s time when the Marathi movies are gaining rapid popularity, the message of this movie should reach contemporary society.

Written By: Aakash Shete

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