
Wout Thingyman
2 min readJan 21, 2020
Photo by Hello I'm Nik 🇬🇧 on Unsplash

Discipline; it’s a word everyone knows. But what exactly is discipline?

Discipline ,in short, is following a set of rules and expectations. This word creates a feeling of resistance for most people. Why is that?

Many people live a life disciplined around external sources; a job, values they’ve learned, expectations of people in their environment and so on. There aren’t many people around that are following their own discipline. People haven’t learned to follow their own discipline like they did when they were children. When you were a child (usually) you were allowed the space to listen to your body and intuition. You were listening to your own discipline.

When you are childhood is over, that is freedom is taken away pretty quickly. It sounds horrible when you think about it right? Your childhood is over. Who decided that? Not you. That is the first jump into the deep ocean of external discipline. The outside world, however it manifested, decided your childhood is over and you will start obeying an external authority. This is a slow process and you might have noticed you get punished more and more for following your own inner discipline.

Think about being grounded, asking questions in school like: why do I have to do this? And get punished for it and so on.

